path: root/programs
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authormrb0nk500 <>2019-12-24 22:18:32 -0500
committermrb0nk500 <>2019-12-24 22:18:32 -0500
commit1dfc78b8bf5b708cb1118a9d6646397772a1b894 (patch)
treef3e9a0a87c4aa5a13a773fc1046a6d17fb4631f4 /programs
parentcd08c7e030dd269ffd0d3bdb6170e15998c796ec (diff)
Added support for Indirect addressing modes, and allow
for use of the B register as an operand, for ALU based instructions. This allows for both low code size, and high performance. This means we can save upto 9 bytes, by just using the B register for ALU operations, rather than using a memory address. The indirect addressing modes, give Sux the abillity to now use pointers. Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas! From mr b0nk 500 <>
Diffstat (limited to 'programs')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/programs/subasm.s b/programs/subasm.s
index 46effce..ddb7ba2 100644
--- a/programs/subasm.s
+++ b/programs/subasm.s
@@ -11,9 +11,18 @@ ver_txt:
.byte ", version "
.byte "0.1"
+ .byte $0
+ .byte $0
+ .word $0
+ .word $0
.word $0
.word $0
@@ -109,64 +118,137 @@ store_char:
lda ctrl_reg ; Skip the '['.
lda ctrl_reg ; Get the next character.
- beq read ; We have an error, so discard it, and read the next character.
+ beq read ; We have an error, so discard it, and go back to getting user input.
lda kbd ; Get the escape code.
- cmp #$41 ; Did the user press the up arrow?
+ sta c ; Store the escape code, until we need it.
+ jsr isup ; Check if the user pressed up.
+ lda d
+ cmp #$0
+ bne esc_end
+ jsr isdown ; Check if the user pressed down.
+ lda d
+ cmp #$0
+ bne esc_end
+ lda #$0
+ jsr isleft ; Check if the user pressed left.
+ lda d
+ cmp #$0
+ bne esc_end
+ jsr isright ; Check if the user pressed right.
+ lda #$0
+ sta d
+ jmp rset_a ; Go back to getting user input.
+ lda scr_row ; Is the cursor at the top of the screen?
+ beq isup_done ; Yes, so return.
+ lda c ; No, so load the escape code back into the accumulator.
+ cmp #$41 ; Did the user press the up arrow key?
beq up ; Yes, so move the cursor up.
- cmp #$42 ; Did the user press the down arrow?
+ rts ; End of isup.
+ lda scr_row ; Start checking the y coordinate of the cursor.
+ cmp #$17 ; Is the cursor at the bottom of the screen?
+ beq isdown_done ; Yes, so return.
+ lda c ; No, so load the escape code back into the accumulator.
+ cmp #$42 ; Did the user press the down arrow key?
beq down ; Yes, so move the cursor down.
- cmp #$43 ; Did the user press the left arrow?
- beq left ; Yes, so move the cursor left.
- cmp #$44 ; Did the user press the right arrow?
+ rts ; End of isdown.
+ lda scr_col ; Start checking the x coordinate of the cursor.
+ cmp #$4F ; Is the cursor at the far right of the screen?
+ beq isright_end ; Yes, so return.
+ lda c ; No, so load the escape code back into the accumulator.
+ cmp #$43 ; Did the user press the right arrow key?
beq right ; Yes, so move the cursor right.
+ rts ; End of isright.
+ lda scr_col ; Is the cursor at the far left of the screen?
+ beq isleft_done ; Yes, so return.
+ lda c ; No, so load the escape code back into the accumulator.
+ cmp #$44 ; Did the user press the left arrow key?
+ beq left ; Yes, so move the cursor left.
+ rts ; End of isleft.
- lda #$1B
- sta scr
- lda #$5B
- sta scr
- lda #$41
- sta scr
- jmp read
+ dec scr_row
+ jsr update_pos
+ lda #$1
+ sta d
+ jmp isup_done
- lda #$1B
- sta scr
- lda #$5B
- sta scr
- lda #$42
- sta scr
- jmp read
- lda #$1B
- sta scr
- lda #$5B
- sta scr
- lda #$43
- sta scr
- jmp read
+ inc scr_row
+ jsr update_pos
+ lda #$1
+ sta d
+ jmp isdown_done
- lda #$1B
- sta scr
- lda #$5B
- sta scr
- lda #$44
- sta scr
- jmp read
+ inc scr_col
+ jsr update_pos
+ jmp isright_end
+ dec scr_col
+ jsr update_pos
+ lda #$1
+ sta d
+ jmp isleft_done
+ lda #$1B ; Print an escape character
+ sta scr ; to the screen.
+ lda #$5B ; Print '['
+ sta scr ; to the screen, and start the escape sequence.
+ jsr getrow ; Start printing the row number to the screen.
+ jsr getcol ; Start printing the column number to the screen.
+ lda #$48 ; Print 'H'
+ sta scr ; to the screen.
+ rts ; End of update_pos.
+ lda scr_row ; Get the cursor's y coordinate.
+ div #$A ; Divide A by 10.
+ adc #$30 ; Convert it to ascii, and
+ sta scr ; print to the screen.
+ tba ; Get the remainder.
+ adc #$30 ; Convert it to ascii, and
+ sta scr ; print to the screen.
+ rts ; End of getrow.
+ lda #$3B ; Print ';'
+ sta scr ; to the screen.
+ lda scr_col ; Get the cursor's x coordinate.
+ div #$A ; Divide A by 10.
+ adc #$30 ; Convert it to ascii, and
+ sta scr ; print to the screen.
+ tba ; Get the remainder.
+ adc #$30 ; Convert it to ascii, and
+ sta scr ; print to the screen.
+ rts ; End of getrow.
sta scr ; Print newline.
+ inc scr_row ; Move the cursor down one line.
lda #$0 ; Put a null terminator, in place of the newline.
- sta buf, y ; Place it into the input buffer.
+ sta scr_col ; Move the cursor back to column 0.
+ sta str_buf, y ; Place it into the input buffer.
ldy.w #$0 ; Reset y, to parse the input.
- jmp parse
+ jsr parse ; Start parsing input.
- jsr echo ; Print backspace.
+ sta scr ; Print backspace.
lda #$0 ; Put a null terminator, in place of the backspace.
- sta buf, y ; Place it into the input buffer.
+ sta str_buf, y ; Place it into the input buffer.
dey ; Decrement buffer offset.
+ dec scr_col
jmp read ; Get next character.
@@ -175,11 +257,55 @@ bs:
jmp back ; We are not, so add the backspace to the buffer.
- lda buf, y
- beq clr_buf ; Reset y, if we hit the null terminator.
- sta scr ; Print 'You have typed, '
+ jmp parse ; Keep printing.
+ jsr clr_sbuf
+ rts
iny ; Increment offset.
- jmp result ; Keep printing.
+ lda str_buf, y
+ jsr iswhite
+ bcs forg ; Reset y, if we hit the null terminator.
+ cmp #$2E ; Is this character a '.'?
+ bne forg_exit ; No, so return.
+ sty org ; Yes, so store the origin.
+ iny ; Increment offset.
+ lda str_buf, y
+ jsr istoken
+ bcs forg_end
+ dey
+ sty scr_col
+ rts ; End of forg.
+ cmp #$20 ; Is this character a space?
+ beq istoken_f ; Yes, so return false.
+ cmp #$09 ; Is this character a tab?
+ beq istoken_f ; Yes, so return false.
+ cmp #$A ; Is this character a newline?
+ beq istoken_f ; Yes, so return false.
+ cmp #$3B ; Is this character a ';'?
+ beq istoken_f ; Yes, so return false.
+ cmp #$0 ; Is this character a null terminator?
+ beq istoken_f ; Yes, so return false.
+ sec ; Return true.
+ rts ; End of istoken.
+ clc ; Return false.
+ rts ; End of istoken_f.
+ cmp #$20 ; Is this character a space?
+ beq iswhite_t ; Yes, so return true.
+ cmp #$09 ; Is this character a tab?
+ beq iswhite_t ; Yes, so return true.
+ clc ; No, so return false.
+ rts ; End of iswhite.
+ sec ; Return true.
+ rts ; End of iswhite_t.
ldy.w #$0
@@ -217,7 +343,23 @@ clr_end:
+ sta a
+ ldx scr_col
+ cpx #$4F
+ bne echo_print
+ cmp #$A
+ beq linewrap
+ inc scr_row
+ ldx #$0
+ stx scr_col
+ jsr update_pos
+ lda a
sta scr ; Echo typed character.
+ inc scr_col ; Increment the cursor's x coordinate.
+ sta str_buf, y ; Store typed character into the input buffer.
+ iny ; Increment the buffer offset.
rts ; Return.
.org $FFC0