path: root/programs
diff options
authormrb0nk500 <>2020-05-30 12:43:08 -0400
committermrb0nk500 <>2020-05-30 12:43:08 -0400
commit2090a4fd8ee743b7a3095c354bb0fbc14dbb1495 (patch)
tree7d6db28a62c669959430d375308111bb3439547d /programs
parent2f9d38f9f9d6f17bc274934b23915417012eeed8 (diff)
Refactored the assembler a bit more, in order to remove
code duplication. The assembler now uses pre-tokens, which are smaller tokens, that make up the larger tokens.
Diffstat (limited to 'programs')
2 files changed, 145 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/programs/subasm.s b/programs/subasm.s
index e5d620f..86a8837 100644
--- a/programs/subasm.s
+++ b/programs/subasm.s
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
MAX_SYM = $800 ; Max symbol size.
+.include "utils.s"
.org incl
; String Constants.
@@ -150,9 +152,8 @@ cmd_srt:
.word run
.word set
-; Hex character table.
- .byte "0123456789ABCDEF"
+; Data entry point for utility subroutines.
; Token table.
@@ -283,131 +284,6 @@ shcmd_end:
ply #2 ; Get back the screen buffer position.
rts ; End of chk_shcmd.
- pha #8 ; Preserve the hex value.
- and #0 ; Reset A.
- ldb #1 ; Set the second pointer
- lda.w #hex_char ; to the start of hex character table.
- jsr set_ptr ;
- inb ; Set the third pointer
- lda.d #hex_str ; to the end of hex string buffer.
- clc ; Do a non carrying add.
- adc #$10 ;
- jsr set_ptr ;
- ldb #0 ; Reset B.
- pla #8 ; Get the hex value back.
- pha #8 ; Preserve the hex value.
- and #$F ; Mask the lowest nibble.
- phy #2 ; Preserve the screen buffer position.
- tay ; Get the index for the hex digit.
- lda (ptr2), y ; Get the hex digit.
- dec ptr3 ; Decrement the string pointer.
- sta (ptr3) ; Save the hex digit character in the string.
- ply #2 ; Get back the screen buffer position.
- pla #8 ; Get the hex value back.
- cpx #1 ; Is the digit count less than one?
- bcc pnthex_lp2 ; Yes, so don't decrement the digit count.
- dex ; No, but was the digit count zero, when decremented?
- beq pnthex_end ; Yes, so we're done.
- jmp pnthex_lp3 ; No, so get the next nibble.
- ldb #1 ; Enable auto digit count.
- lsr #4 ; No, but is the next nibble, a zero?
- beq pnthex_lp4 ; Yes, so check if auto digit count is enabled.
- jmp pnthex_lp ; No, so print the next digit.
- cpb #1 ; Is auto digit count enabled?
- beq pnthex_end ; Yes, so we're done.
- jmp pnthex_lp ; No, so keep printing more digits.
- rts ; End of print_hex.
- ldx idx3 ; Get the string index.
- sta strbuf, x ; Save it in the string buffer.
- inc idx3 ; Increment the string index.
- rts ; End of charcpy.
- and #0 ; Reset A.
- sta idx3 ; Clear the string index.
- lda #'$' ; Print the hex delimiter.
- jsr charcpy ;
- lda.q idx0 ; Get the masked address.
- ldx #$10 ; Set digit count to 16.
- jsr print_hex ; Print the address.
- lda.q hex_str ; Get the lower half of the string.
- sta.q strbuf+1 ; Save it in the string buffer.
- lda.q hex_str+8 ; Get the upper half of the string.
- sta.q strbuf+9 ; Save it in the string buffer.
- ldx #$11 ; Add 16 to the index.
- stx idx3 ;
- lda #':' ; Print a colon.
- jsr charcpy ;
- lda # ' ' ; Print a space.
- jsr charcpy ;
- rts ; End of print_hi.
- lda #0 ; Reset A.
- sta idx3 ; Clear the string index.
- ldx #2 ; Set digit count to 2.
- pha #1 ; Preserve the nibble offset.
- jsr print_hex ; Print the low nibble offset.
- lda.w (ptr3) ; Get the two digits.
- jsr charcpy ; Copy the first digit.
- lsr #8 ; Copy the next digit.
- jsr charcpy ;
- pla #1 ; Get the nibble offset back.
- inc ; Increment the offset.
- cmp #$10 ; Are we at the last offset?
- bcs pntlo_end ; Yes, so we're done.
- pha #1 ; No, so preserve the nibble offset.
- lda #' ' ; Add a space to the string buffer.
- jsr charcpy ;
- pla #1 ; Get the nibble offset back.
- jmp pntlo_lp ; Keep looping.
- inx ; Increment the index by one.
- lda #0 ; Null terminate the string buffer.
- sta strbuf, x ;
- tax ; Reset X.
- lda.d #strbuf ; Print the string buffer.
- jsr print_str ;
- rts ; End of print_lo.
- ldx #0 ; Reset X.
- phy #2 ; Preserve the screen buffer index.
- txy ; Copy the byte index to it.
- and #0 ; Reset A.
- ldx #2 ; Set the digit count to 2.
- lda (idx0), y ; Get the byte at that address.
- jsr print_hex ; Print the byte.
- lda.w (ptr3) ; Get the two digits.
- jsr charcpy ; Copy the first digit.
- lsr #8 ; Copy the next digit.
- jsr charcpy ;
- iny ; Increment the byte index.
- cpy #$10 ; Have we read 16 bytes?
- beq pntchnk_end ; Yes, so we're done.
- lda #' ' ; No, so add a soace to the string buffer.
- jsr charcpy ;
- jmp pntchnk_lp ; Keep looping.
- ply #2 ; Get the screen buffer index back.
- inx ; Increment the index by one.
- and #0 ; Null terminate the string.
- sta strbuf, x ;
- tax ; Reset X.
- sta idx3 ; Clear the string index.
- rts ; End of print_chunk.
lda.q prg_cnt ; Get the program counter.
@@ -469,3 +345,8 @@ set:
nop ;
rts ; End of set.
+; Entry point for utility subroutines.
diff --git a/programs/utils.s b/programs/utils.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6a14f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/programs/utils.s
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+; Utility subroutines for SuBAsm.
+ util_data
+; Hex character table.
+ .byte "0123456789ABCDEF"
+ utils
+ and #0 ; Reset A.
+ sta idx3 ; Clear the string index.
+ lda #'$' ; Print the hex delimiter.
+ jsr charcpy ;
+ lda.q idx0 ; Get the masked address.
+ ldx #$10 ; Set digit count to 16.
+ jsr print_hex ; Print the address.
+ lda.q hex_str ; Get the lower half of the string.
+ sta.q strbuf+1 ; Save it in the string buffer.
+ lda.q hex_str+8 ; Get the upper half of the string.
+ sta.q strbuf+9 ; Save it in the string buffer.
+ ldx #$11 ; Add 16 to the index.
+ stx idx3 ;
+ lda #':' ; Print a colon.
+ jsr charcpy ;
+ lda # ' ' ; Print a space.
+ jsr charcpy ;
+ rts ; End of print_hi.
+ lda #0 ; Reset A.
+ sta idx3 ; Clear the string index.
+ ldx #2 ; Set digit count to 2.
+ pha #1 ; Preserve the nibble offset.
+ jsr print_hex ; Print the low nibble offset.
+ lda.w (ptr3) ; Get the two digits.
+ jsr charcpy ; Copy the first digit.
+ lsr #8 ; Copy the next digit.
+ jsr charcpy ;
+ pla #1 ; Get the nibble offset back.
+ inc ; Increment the offset.
+ cmp #$10 ; Are we at the last offset?
+ bcs pntlo_end ; Yes, so we're done.
+ pha #1 ; No, so preserve the nibble offset.
+ lda #' ' ; Add a space to the string buffer.
+ jsr charcpy ;
+ pla #1 ; Get the nibble offset back.
+ jmp pntlo_lp ; Keep looping.
+ inx ; Increment the index by one.
+ lda #0 ; Null terminate the string buffer.
+ sta strbuf, x ;
+ tax ; Reset X.
+ lda.d #strbuf ; Print the string buffer.
+ jsr print_str ;
+ rts ; End of print_lo.
+ ldx #0 ; Reset X.
+ phy #2 ; Preserve the screen buffer index.
+ txy ; Copy the byte index to it.
+ and #0 ; Reset A.
+ ldx #2 ; Set the digit count to 2.
+ lda (idx0), y ; Get the byte at that address.
+ jsr print_hex ; Print the byte.
+ lda.w (ptr3) ; Get the two digits.
+ jsr charcpy ; Copy the first digit.
+ lsr #8 ; Copy the next digit.
+ jsr charcpy ;
+ iny ; Increment the byte index.
+ cpy #$10 ; Have we read 16 bytes?
+ beq pntchnk_end ; Yes, so we're done.
+ lda #' ' ; No, so add a soace to the string buffer.
+ jsr charcpy ;
+ jmp pntchnk_lp ; Keep looping.
+ ply #2 ; Get the screen buffer index back.
+ inx ; Increment the index by one.
+ and #0 ; Null terminate the string.
+ sta strbuf, x ;
+ tax ; Reset X.
+ sta idx3 ; Clear the string index.
+ rts ; End of print_chunk.
+ pha #8 ; Preserve the hex value.
+ and #0 ; Reset A.
+ ldb #1 ; Set the second pointer
+ lda.w #hex_char ; to the start of hex character table.
+ jsr set_ptr ;
+ inb ; Set the third pointer
+ lda.d #hex_str ; to the end of hex string buffer.
+ clc ; Do a non carrying add.
+ adc #$10 ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
+ ldb #0 ; Reset B.
+ pla #8 ; Get the hex value back.
+ pha #8 ; Preserve the hex value.
+ and #$F ; Mask the lowest nibble.
+ phy #2 ; Preserve the screen buffer position.
+ tay ; Get the index for the hex digit.
+ lda (ptr2), y ; Get the hex digit.
+ dec ptr3 ; Decrement the string pointer.
+ sta (ptr3) ; Save the hex digit character in the string.
+ ply #2 ; Get back the screen buffer position.
+ pla #8 ; Get the hex value back.
+ cpx #1 ; Is the digit count less than one?
+ bcc pnthex_lp2 ; Yes, so don't decrement the digit count.
+ dex ; No, but was the digit count zero, when decremented?
+ beq pnthex_end ; Yes, so we're done.
+ jmp pnthex_lp3 ; No, so get the next nibble.
+ ldb #1 ; Enable auto digit count.
+ lsr #4 ; No, but is the next nibble, a zero?
+ beq pnthex_lp4 ; Yes, so check if auto digit count is enabled.
+ jmp pnthex_lp ; No, so print the next digit.
+ cpb #1 ; Is auto digit count enabled?
+ beq pnthex_end ; Yes, so we're done.
+ jmp pnthex_lp ; No, so keep printing more digits.
+ rts ; End of print_hex.
+ ldx idx3 ; Get the string index.
+ sta strbuf, x ; Save it in the string buffer.
+ inc idx3 ; Increment the string index.
+ rts ; End of charcpy.