path: root/opcode.h
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1 files changed, 88 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/opcode.h b/opcode.h
index dce33bd..5611585 100644
--- a/opcode.h
+++ b/opcode.h
@@ -1,88 +1,88 @@
-#define OPNAME(opcode) #opcode
-#define CPS 0x00
-#define ADC 0x01
-#define PHP 0x08
-#define PHA 0x09
-#define PHY 0x0A
-#define PAY 0x0B
-#define PHX 0x0C
-#define PAX 0x0D
-#define JMP 0x10
-#define SBC 0x11
-#define PLP 0x18
-#define PLA 0x19
-#define PLY 0x1A
-#define PYA 0x1B
-#define PLX 0x1C
-#define PXA 0x1D
-#define JSR 0x20
-#define AND 0x21
-#define ANY 0x22
-#define AAY 0x23
-#define ANX 0x24
-#define AAX 0x25
-#define TSR 0x28
-#define BPO 0x30
-#define ORA 0x31
-#define ORY 0x32
-#define OAY 0x33
-#define ORX 0x34
-#define OAX 0x35
-#define SEZ 0x38
-#define BNG 0x40
-#define XOR 0x41
-#define XRY 0x42
-#define XAY 0x43
-#define XRX 0x44
-#define XAX 0x45
-#define CLZ 0x48
-#define BCS 0x50
-#define SLA 0x51
-#define SEC 0x58
-#define BCC 0x60
-#define SRA 0x61
-#define CLC 0x68
-#define BEQ 0x70
-#define ROL 0x71
-#define SSP 0x78
-#define BNE 0x80
-#define ROR 0x81
-#define CSP 0x88
-#define BVS 0x90
-#define MUL 0x91
-#define SEV 0x98
-#define BVC 0xA0
-#define DIV 0xA1
-#define CLV 0xA8
-#define RTS 0xB0
-#define CMP 0xB1
-#define CPY 0xB2
-#define CAY 0xB3
-#define CPX 0xB4
-#define CAX 0xB5
-#define RTT 0xB8
-#define RTI 0xC0
-#define INC 0xC1
-#define INY 0xC2
-#define IAY 0xC3
-#define INX 0xC4
-#define IAX 0xC5
-#define SFI 0xC8
-#define DEC 0xD1
-#define DEY 0xD2
-#define DAY 0xD3
-#define DEX 0xD4
-#define DAX 0xD5
-#define CFI 0xD8
-#define LDA 0xE1
-#define LDY 0xE2
-#define LAY 0xE3
-#define LDX 0xE4
-#define LAX 0xE5
-#define NOP 0xE8
-#define STA 0xF1
-#define STY 0xF2
-#define SAY 0xF3
-#define STX 0xF4
-#define SAX 0xF5
-#define BRK 0xF8
+#define OPNAME(opcode) #opcode /* Get name of Opcode, for dissambly. */
+#define CPS 0x00 /* Clear Processor Status. */
+#define ADC 0x01 /* ADd with Carry. */
+#define PHP 0x08 /* PusH Processor status to stack. */
+#define PHA 0x09 /* PusH Accumulator to stack. */
+#define PHY 0x0A /* PusH Y register to stack. */
+#define PAY 0x0B /* Push Accumulator, and Y register to stack. */
+#define PHX 0x0C /* PusH X register to stack. */
+#define PAX 0x0D /* Push Accumulator, and X register to stack. */
+#define JMP 0x10 /* JuMP to memory location. */
+#define SBC 0x11 /* SuBtract with Carry. */
+#define PLP 0x18 /* PuLl Processor status from stack. */
+#define PLA 0x19 /* PuLl Accumulator from stack. */
+#define PLY 0x1A /* PuLl Y register from stack. */
+#define PYA 0x1B /* Pull Y register, and Accumulator from stack. */
+#define PLX 0x1C /* PuLl X register from stack. */
+#define PXA 0x1D /* Pull X register, and Accumulator from stack. */
+#define JSR 0x20 /* Jump to SubRoutine. */
+#define AND 0x21 /* bitwise AND with accumulator. */
+#define ANY 0x22 /* bitwise ANd with Y register.*/
+#define AAY 0x23 /* bitwise And with Accumulator, and Y register. */
+#define ANX 0x24 /* bitwise ANd with X register. */
+#define AAX 0x25 /* bitwise And with Accumulator, and X register. */
+#define TSR 0x28 /* multi-Threaded jump to SubRoutine. */
+#define BPO 0x30 /* Branch if POsitive. */
+#define ORA 0x31 /* bitwise OR with Accumulator. */
+#define ORY 0x32 /* bitwise OR with Y register. */
+#define OAY 0x33 /* bitwise Or with Accumulator, and Y register. */
+#define ORX 0x34 /* bitwise OR with X register. */
+#define OAX 0x35 /* bitwise Or with Accumulator, and X register. */
+#define SEZ 0x38 /* SEt Zero flag. */
+#define BNG 0x40 /* Branch if NeGative. */
+#define XOR 0x41 /* bitwise XOR with accumulator. */
+#define XRY 0x42 /* bitwise XoR with Y register. */
+#define XAY 0x43 /* bitwise Xor with Accumulator, and Y register. */
+#define XRX 0x44 /* bitwise XoR with X register. */
+#define XAX 0x45 /* bitwise Xor with Accumulator, and X register. */
+#define CLZ 0x48 /* CLear Zero flag. */
+#define BCS 0x50 /* Branch if Carry Set. */
+#define SLA 0x51 /* Shift Left with Accumulator. */
+#define SEC 0x58 /* SEt Carry flag. */
+#define BCC 0x60 /* Branch if Carry Clear. */
+#define SRA 0x61 /* Shift Right with Accumulator. */
+#define CLC 0x68 /* CLear Carry flag. */
+#define BEQ 0x70 /* Branch if EQual. */
+#define ROL 0x71 /* ROtate Left. */
+#define SSP 0x78 /* Set Stack Protection flag. */
+#define BNE 0x80 /* Branch if Not Equal. */
+#define ROR 0x81 /* ROtate Right. */
+#define CSP 0x88 /* Clear Stack Protection flag. */
+#define BVS 0x90 /* Branch if oVerflow Set. */
+#define MUL 0x91 /* MULtiply with accumulator. */
+#define SEV 0x98 /* SEt oVerflow flag. */
+#define BVC 0xA0 /* Branch if oVerflow Clear. */
+#define DIV 0xA1 /* DIVide with accumulator. */
+#define CLV 0xA8 /* CLear oVerflow flag. */
+#define RTS 0xB0 /* ReTurn from Subroutine. */
+#define CMP 0xB1 /* CoMPare accumulator. */
+#define CPY 0xB2 /* ComPare Y register. */
+#define CAY 0xB3 /* Compare Accumulator, and Y register. */
+#define CPX 0xB4 /* ComPare X register. */
+#define CAX 0xB5 /* Compare Accumulator, and X register. */
+#define RTT 0xB8 /* ReTurn from multi-Threaded subroutine. */
+#define RTI 0xC0 /* ReTurn from Interupt. */
+#define INC 0xC1 /* INCrement accumulator. */
+#define INY 0xC2 /* INcrement Y register. */
+#define IAY 0xC3 /* Increment Accumulator, and Y register. */
+#define INX 0xC4 /* INcrement X register. */
+#define IAX 0xC5 /* Increment Accumulator, and X register. */
+#define SFB 0xC8 /* Set Fetch Byte(s) sub-register. */
+#define DEC 0xD1 /* DECrement accumulator. */
+#define DEY 0xD2 /* DEcrement Y register. */
+#define DAY 0xD3 /* Decrement Accumulator, and Y register. */
+#define DEX 0xD4 /* DEcrement X register. */
+#define DAX 0xD5 /* Decrement Accumulator, and X register. */
+#define CFB 0xD8 /* Clear Fetch Byte(s) sub-register. */
+#define LDA 0xE1 /* LoaD Accumulator. */
+#define LDY 0xE2 /* LoaD Y register. */
+#define LAY 0xE3 /* Load Accumulator, and Y register. */
+#define LDX 0xE4 /* LoaD X register. */
+#define LAX 0xE5 /* Load Accumulator, and X register. */
+#define NOP 0xE8 /* No OPeration. */
+#define STA 0xF1 /* STore Accumulator. */
+#define STY 0xF2 /* STore Y register. */
+#define SAY 0xF3 /* Store Accumulator, and Y register. */
+#define STX 0xF4 /* STore X register. */
+#define SAX 0xF5 /* Store Accumulator, and X register. */
+#define BRK 0xF8 /* BReaK. */