path: root/opcode.h
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1 files changed, 4 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/opcode.h b/opcode.h
index 5611585..1c17052 100644
--- a/opcode.h
+++ b/opcode.h
@@ -21,21 +21,21 @@
#define AAY 0x23 /* bitwise And with Accumulator, and Y register. */
#define ANX 0x24 /* bitwise ANd with X register. */
#define AAX 0x25 /* bitwise And with Accumulator, and X register. */
-#define TSR 0x28 /* multi-Threaded jump to SubRoutine. */
+#define STT 0x28 /* STart Threads. */
#define BPO 0x30 /* Branch if POsitive. */
#define ORA 0x31 /* bitwise OR with Accumulator. */
#define ORY 0x32 /* bitwise OR with Y register. */
#define OAY 0x33 /* bitwise Or with Accumulator, and Y register. */
#define ORX 0x34 /* bitwise OR with X register. */
#define OAX 0x35 /* bitwise Or with Accumulator, and X register. */
-#define SEZ 0x38 /* SEt Zero flag. */
+#define SEI 0x38 /* SEt Interupt flag. */
#define BNG 0x40 /* Branch if NeGative. */
#define XOR 0x41 /* bitwise XOR with accumulator. */
#define XRY 0x42 /* bitwise XoR with Y register. */
#define XAY 0x43 /* bitwise Xor with Accumulator, and Y register. */
#define XRX 0x44 /* bitwise XoR with X register. */
#define XAX 0x45 /* bitwise Xor with Accumulator, and X register. */
-#define CLZ 0x48 /* CLear Zero flag. */
+#define CLI 0x48 /* CLear Interupt flag. */
#define BCS 0x50 /* Branch if Carry Set. */
#define SLA 0x51 /* Shift Left with Accumulator. */
#define SEC 0x58 /* SEt Carry flag. */
@@ -60,20 +60,18 @@
#define CAY 0xB3 /* Compare Accumulator, and Y register. */
#define CPX 0xB4 /* ComPare X register. */
#define CAX 0xB5 /* Compare Accumulator, and X register. */
-#define RTT 0xB8 /* ReTurn from multi-Threaded subroutine. */
+#define ENT 0xB8 /* ENd Threads. */
#define RTI 0xC0 /* ReTurn from Interupt. */
#define INC 0xC1 /* INCrement accumulator. */
#define INY 0xC2 /* INcrement Y register. */
#define IAY 0xC3 /* Increment Accumulator, and Y register. */
#define INX 0xC4 /* INcrement X register. */
#define IAX 0xC5 /* Increment Accumulator, and X register. */
-#define SFB 0xC8 /* Set Fetch Byte(s) sub-register. */
#define DEC 0xD1 /* DECrement accumulator. */
#define DEY 0xD2 /* DEcrement Y register. */
#define DAY 0xD3 /* Decrement Accumulator, and Y register. */
#define DEX 0xD4 /* DEcrement X register. */
#define DAX 0xD5 /* Decrement Accumulator, and X register. */
-#define CFB 0xD8 /* Clear Fetch Byte(s) sub-register. */
#define LDA 0xE1 /* LoaD Accumulator. */
#define LDY 0xE2 /* LoaD Y register. */
#define LAY 0xE3 /* Load Accumulator, and Y register. */