path: root/programs/utils.s
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Diffstat (limited to 'programs/utils.s')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 393 deletions
diff --git a/programs/utils.s b/programs/utils.s
deleted file mode 100644
index d8d4aa2..0000000
--- a/programs/utils.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-; Utility subroutines for SuBAsm.
- util_data
-; Hex character table.
- .byte "0123456789ABCDEF"
-; Compare, and return table for pre-tokens.
- .byte ".@:=+-><(),xy\"\'#;$%"
-; Compare, and return table for isdelm.
- .byte "\n,\"\' "
-; Compare, and return table for isdelm2.
- .byte "),.+<>-=;\n"
- utils
- and #0 ; Reset A.
- sta idx3 ; Clear the string index.
- lda #'$' ; Print the hex delimiter.
- jsr charcpy ;
- lda.q idx0 ; Get the masked address.
- ldx #$10 ; Set digit count to 16.
- jsr print_hex ; Print the address.
- lda.q hex_str ; Get the lower half of the string.
- sta.q strbuf+1 ; Save it in the string buffer.
- lda.q hex_str+8 ; Get the upper half of the string.
- sta.q strbuf+9 ; Save it in the string buffer.
- ldx #$11 ; Add 16 to the index.
- stx idx3 ;
- lda #':' ; Print a colon.
- jsr charcpy ;
- lda # ' ' ; Print a space.
- jsr charcpy ;
- rts ; End of print_hi.
- lda #0 ; Reset A.
- sta idx3 ; Clear the string index.
- ldx #2 ; Set digit count to 2.
- pha #1 ; Preserve the nibble offset.
- jsr print_hex ; Print the low nibble offset.
- lda.w (ptr3) ; Get the two digits.
- jsr charcpy ; Copy the first digit.
- lsr #8 ; Copy the next digit.
- jsr charcpy ;
- pla #1 ; Get the nibble offset back.
- inc ; Increment the offset.
- cmp #$10 ; Are we at the last offset?
- bcs @end ; Yes, so we're done.
- pha #1 ; No, so preserve the nibble offset.
- lda #' ' ; Add a space to the string buffer.
- jsr charcpy ;
- pla #1 ; Get the nibble offset back.
- jmp @loop ; Keep looping.
- inx ; Increment the index by one.
- lda #0 ; Null terminate the string buffer.
- sta strbuf, x ;
- tax ; Reset X.
- lda.d #strbuf ; Print the string buffer.
- jsr print_str ;
- rts ; End of print_lo.
- ldx #0 ; Reset X.
- phy #2 ; Preserve the screen buffer index.
- txy ; Copy the byte index to it.
- and #0 ; Reset A.
- ldx #2 ; Set the digit count to 2.
- lda (idx0), y ; Get the byte at that address.
- jsr print_hex ; Print the byte.
- lda.w (ptr3) ; Get the two digits.
- jsr charcpy ; Copy the first digit.
- lsr #8 ; Copy the next digit.
- jsr charcpy ;
- iny ; Increment the byte index.
- cpy #$10 ; Have we read 16 bytes?
- beq @end ; Yes, so we're done.
- lda #' ' ; No, so add a soace to the string buffer.
- jsr charcpy ;
- jmp @loop ; Keep looping.
- ply #2 ; Get the screen buffer index back.
- inx ; Increment the index by one.
- and #0 ; Null terminate the string.
- sta strbuf, x ;
- tax ; Reset X.
- sta idx3 ; Clear the string index.
- rts ; End of print_chunk.
- pha #8 ; Preserve the hex value.
- and #0 ; Reset A.
- ldb #1 ; Set the second pointer
- lda.w #hex_char ; to the start of hex character table.
- jsr set_ptr ;
- inb ; Set the third pointer
- lda.d #hex_str ; to the end of hex string buffer.
- clc ; Do a non carrying add.
- adc #$10 ;
- jsr set_ptr ;
- ldb #0 ; Reset B.
- pla #8 ; Get the hex value back.
- pha #8 ; Preserve the hex value.
- and #$F ; Mask the lowest nibble.
- phy #2 ; Preserve the screen buffer position.
- tay ; Get the index for the hex digit.
- lda (ptr2), y ; Get the hex digit.
- dec ptr3 ; Decrement the string pointer.
- sta (ptr3) ; Save the hex digit character in the string.
- ply #2 ; Get back the screen buffer position.
- pla #8 ; Get the hex value back.
- cpx #1 ; Is the digit count less than one?
- bcc @auto ; Yes, so don't decrement the digit count.
- dex ; No, but was the digit count zero, when decremented?
- beq @end ; Yes, so we're done.
- jmp @next ; No, so get the next nibble.
- ldb #1 ; Enable auto digit count.
- lsr #4 ; Is the next nibble, a zero?
- beq @isauto1 ; Yes, so check if auto digit count is enabled.
- jmp @loop ; No, so print the next digit.
- cpb #1 ; Is auto digit count enabled?
- beq @end ; Yes, so we're done.
- jmp @loop ; No, so keep printing more digits.
- rts ; End of print_hex.
- ldx idx3 ; Get the string index.
- sta strbuf, x ; Save it in the string buffer.
- inc idx3 ; Increment the string index.
- rts ; End of charcpy.
- ldb #1 ; Set the second pointer
- jsr set_ptr ; to the passed pointer.
- deb ; Reset B.
- tba ; Reset A.
- tax ; Reset X.
- phy #2 ; Preserve Y.
- txy ; Reset Y.
- lda (ptr2), y ; Are we at the end of the string?
- beq @end ; Yes, so we're done.
- iny ; No, so increment the index.
- jmp @loop ; Keep looping.
- tyx ; Return the length in X.
- ply #2 ; Get the preserved value back.
- rts ; End of strlen.
- ldb #1 ; Set the second pointer
- jsr set_ptr ; to the passed pointer.
- deb ; Reset B.
- tba ; Reset A.
- phy #2 ; Preserve Y.
- tay ; Reset Y.
- ldb #0 ; Set the islong flag to false.
- lda (ptr), y ; Are we at the end of the first string?
- beq cmpr ; Yes, so check if we're too short, or too long.
- ldb #1 ; No, so set the islong flag to true.
- cmp (ptr2), y ; Is the character of both strings, the same?
- bne cmpr ; No, so check if we're too short, or too long.
- iny ; Yes, so increment the index.
- jmp @loop ; Keep looping.
- ldb #1 ; Set the second pointer
- jsr set_ptr ; to the passed pointer.
- deb ; Reset B.
- tba ; Reset A.
- phy #2 ; Preserve Y.
- tay ; Reset Y.
- ldb #0 ; Set the islong flag to false.
- lda (ptr), y ; Are we at the end of the first string?
- beq cmpr ; Yes, so check if we're too short, or too long.
- ldb #1 ; No, so set the islong flag to true.
- jsr tolower ; Convert the character of string 1 to lowercase.
- phb #1 ; Preserve the islong flag.
- pha #1 ; Preserve the converted character.
- lda (ptr2), y ; Get the character of the second string.
- jsr tolower ; Convert the character of string 2 to lowercase.
- tab ; Place it in B.
- pla #1 ; Get the character of string 1 back.
- cab ; Is the character of both strings, the same?
- plb #1 ; Get the islong flag back.
- bne cmpr ; No, so check if we're too short, or too long.
- iny ; Yes, so increment the index.
- jmp @loop ; Keep looping.
- lda (ptr2), y ; Are we at the end of the second string?
- beq @islong ; Yes, so check the islong flag.
- lda (ptr), y ; No, but are we at the end of the first string?
- beq @short ; Yes, so return -1.
- cpb #1 ; Is the islong flag true?
- bne @equ ; No, so return 0.
- lda #1 ; Yes, so return 1.
- jmp @end ; We are done.
- lda #0 ; Return 0.
- jmp @end ; We are done.
- lda #$FF ; Return -1.
- ply #2 ; Get the preserved value back.
- rts ; End of strcmp.
- sec ; Prepare for a non carrying subtraction.
- sbc #'0' ; Subtract $30 from the passed character.
- and #$FF ; Make sure that we have only one byte.
- cmp #10 ; Is the subtracted value, less than 10?
- bcs @false ; No, so return false.
- lda #1 ; Yes, so return true.
- jmp @end ; We are done.
- lda #0 ; Return false.
- rts ; End of isdigit.
- pha #1 ; Preserve the character.
- jsr isdigit ; Is this character, a decimal digit?
- pla #1 ; Get the character back.
- bne @true ; Yes, so return true.
- sec ; No, so prepare for a non carrying subtract.
- ora #$20 ; Convert it to lowercase.
- sbc #'a' ; Subtract $61 from the character.
- and #$FF ; Make sure that we have only one byte.
- cmp #6 ; Is the subtracted value, less than 6?
- bcs @false ; No, so return false.
- lda #1 ; Yes, so return true.
- jmp @end ; We are done.
- lda #0 ; Return false.
- rts ; End of isxdigit.
- sec ; Prepare for a non carrying subtraction.
- sbc #'A' ; Subtract $41 from the passed character.
- jmp isletter ; Check if it's less than 26.
- sec ; Prepare for a non carrying subtraction.
- sbc #'a' ; Subtract $61 from the passed character.
- and #$FF ; Make sure that we have only one byte.
- cmp #26 ; Is the subtracted value, less than 26?
- bcs @false ; No, so return false.
- lda #1 ; Yes, so return true.
- jmp @end ; We are done.
- lda #0 ; Return false.
- rts ; End of isletter.
- pha #1 ; Preserve the character.
- jsr isupper ; Is this character, an uppercase character?
- pla #1 ; Get the character back.
- beq @end ; No, so we're done.
- ora #$20 ; Yes, so convert it to lowercase.
- rts ; End of tolower.
- pha #1 ; Preserve the character.
- jsr islower ; Is this character, a lowercase character?
- pla #1 ; Get the character back.
- beq @end ; No, so we're done.
- and #$5F ; Yes, so convert it to uppercase.
- rts ; End of toupper.
- ldx #0 ; Reset X.
- ldb dtab2, x ; Get the compare value.
- beq @other ; We hit the end of the table, so check for the others.
- cab ; Are they the same?
- beq @r1 ; Yes, so return 1.
- inx ; No, so increment the table index.
- jmp @loop ; Keep looping.
- ldx #0 ; Reset X.
- cmp #0 ; Is this a null terminator?
- beq @r1 ; Yes, so return 1.
- cmp #'\t' ; No, but is it a tab?
- beq @r2 ; Yes, so return 2.
- cmp #' ' ; No, but is it a space?
- beq @r2 ; Yes, so also return 2.
- lda #0 ; Return 0.
- rts ; End of isdelm2.
- ldx #0 ; Reset X.
- lda #1 ; Return 1.
- rts ; End of isdelm2.
- lda #2 ; Return 2.
- rts ; End of isdelm2.
- ldx #0 ; Reset X.
- ldb dtab, x ; Get the compare value.
- beq @other ; We hit the end of the table, so check for the others.
- cab ; Are they the same?
- beq @rshft ; Yes, so return 1 << index.
- inx ; No, so increment the table index.
- jmp @loop ; Keep looping.
- ldx #0 ; Reset X.
- cmp #0 ; Is this a null terminator?
- beq @rshft ; Yes, so return 1.
- ldx #4 ; No, so set the shift amount to 4.
- cmp #'\t' ; Is this a tab?
- beq @rshft ; Yes, so return 16.
- ldx #0 ; No, so reset X.
- lda #0 ; Return 0.
- rts ; End of isdelm.
- stx a ; Save the shift value.
- ldx #0 ; Reset X.
- lda #1 ; Set up the bitshift.
- lsl a ; Return 1 << X.
- rts ; End of isdelm.
- ldx #0 ; Reset X.
- jsr tolower ; Conver the character to lowercase.
- ldb ptok_tab, x ; Get the compare value.
- beq @other ; We hit the end of the table, so check for the others.
- cab ; Are they the same?
- beq @rtab ; Yes, so return X.
- inx ; No, so increment the table index.
- jmp @loop ; Keep looping.
- txa ; Return X.
- rts ; End of get_ptok.
- tab ; Preserve the character.
- jsr isdigit ; Is this character a digit?
- bne @rnum ; Yes, so return PTOK_NUM.
- tba ; No, so get the character back.
- jsr islower ; Is it an alphabetical character?
- bne @ralph ; Yes, so return PTOK_ALPH.
- lda #PTOK_OTHR ; No, so return PTOK_OTHR.
- rts ; End of get_ptok.
- lda #PTOK_NUM ; Return PTOK_NUM.
- rts ; End of get_ptok.
- lda #PTOK_ALPH ; Return PTOK_ALPH.
- rts ; End of get_ptok.