path: root/programs
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2 files changed, 155 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/programs/subasm.s b/programs/subasm.s
index 350e105..e5d620f 100644
--- a/programs/subasm.s
+++ b/programs/subasm.s
@@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ mne:
.byte "CPY", $19, $3D, $FF, $FF, $85, $FF, $FF, $4C, $FF
.byte "PLB", $1A, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF
.byte "INC", $FF, $1D, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $1C, $F5
- .byte "JSR", $FF, $1E, $FF, $FF, $BE, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF
- .byte "JSL", $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $20, $FF
+ .byte "JSR", $FF, $1E, $FF, $FF, $BE, $FF, $FF, $20, $FF
.byte "AND", $21, $26, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $24, $FF
.byte "ABA", $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $22
.byte "PLP", $28, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF
@@ -113,7 +112,6 @@ mne:
.byte "INY", $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $A8
.byte "TAX", $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $AA
.byte "RTS", $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $AE
- .byte "RTL", $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $B0
.byte "CMP", $B1, $B6, $FF, $FF, $25, $7D, $7C, $B4, $FF
.byte "CAB", $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $B2
.byte "SEI", $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $B8
@@ -214,22 +212,22 @@ fix_val:
ldb #0 ; Set the first pointer
lda.d #cmd_buf ; to the command buffer.
- jsl set_ptr ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
tba ; Reset A.
tax ; Reset X.
- jsl chk_shcmd ; Did we get a shortend command?
+ jsr chk_shcmd ; Did we get a shortend command?
bne parse_cmd ; Yes, so skip everything else.
jmp subasm_end ;
- jsl chk_cmd ; No, but did we get a full command?
+ jsr chk_cmd ; No, but did we get a full command?
bne parse_cmd ; Yes, so skip everything else.
- jsl lexer ; No, so start lexing this line.
+ jsr lexer ; No, so start lexing this line.
- rtl ; End of subasm.
+ rts ; End of subasm.
ldb #1 ; Set the second pointer
lda.d #cmd_srt ; to the command subroutine table.
- jsl set_ptr ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
deb ; Reset B.
tba ; Reset A.
lda f ; Get the command ID.
@@ -241,7 +239,7 @@ parse_cmd:
lda.w (ptr2), y ; Get the command subroutine, from the command subroutine table.
ply #2 ; Get back the screen buffer position.
ldb #2 ; Save it in the third pointer.
- jsl set_ptr ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
ldb #0 ; Reset B.
jsr (ptr3) ; Run the command's subroutine.
jmp subasm_end ; We are done.
@@ -250,7 +248,7 @@ chk_shcmd:
tba ; Reset A.
inb ; Set the second pointer
lda.w #sh_cmds ; to the shortend command table.
- jsl set_ptr ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
deb ; Reset B.
tba ; Reset A.
phy #2 ; Preserve the screen buffer position.
@@ -283,19 +281,19 @@ shcmd_fail:
tax ; Reset X.
ply #2 ; Get back the screen buffer position.
- rtl ; End of chk_shcmd.
+ rts ; End of chk_shcmd.
pha #8 ; Preserve the hex value.
and #0 ; Reset A.
ldb #1 ; Set the second pointer
lda.w #hex_char ; to the start of hex character table.
- jsl set_ptr ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
inb ; Set the third pointer
lda.d #hex_str ; to the end of hex string buffer.
clc ; Do a non carrying add.
adc #$10 ;
- jsl set_ptr ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
ldb #0 ; Reset B.
pla #8 ; Get the hex value back.
@@ -325,22 +323,22 @@ pnthex_lp4:
beq pnthex_end ; Yes, so we're done.
jmp pnthex_lp ; No, so keep printing more digits.
- rtl ; End of print_hex.
+ rts ; End of print_hex.
ldx idx3 ; Get the string index.
sta strbuf, x ; Save it in the string buffer.
inc idx3 ; Increment the string index.
- rtl ; End of charcpy.
+ rts ; End of charcpy.
and #0 ; Reset A.
sta idx3 ; Clear the string index.
lda #'$' ; Print the hex delimiter.
- jsl charcpy ;
+ jsr charcpy ;
lda.q idx0 ; Get the masked address.
ldx #$10 ; Set digit count to 16.
- jsl print_hex ; Print the address.
+ jsr print_hex ; Print the address.
lda.q hex_str ; Get the lower half of the string.
sta.q strbuf+1 ; Save it in the string buffer.
lda.q hex_str+8 ; Get the upper half of the string.
@@ -348,10 +346,10 @@ print_hi:
ldx #$11 ; Add 16 to the index.
stx idx3 ;
lda #':' ; Print a colon.
- jsl charcpy ;
+ jsr charcpy ;
lda # ' ' ; Print a space.
- jsl charcpy ;
- rtl ; End of print_hi.
+ jsr charcpy ;
+ rts ; End of print_hi.
lda #0 ; Reset A.
@@ -359,11 +357,11 @@ print_lo:
ldx #2 ; Set digit count to 2.
pha #1 ; Preserve the nibble offset.
- jsl print_hex ; Print the low nibble offset.
+ jsr print_hex ; Print the low nibble offset.
lda.w (ptr3) ; Get the two digits.
- jsl charcpy ; Copy the first digit.
+ jsr charcpy ; Copy the first digit.
lsr #8 ; Copy the next digit.
- jsl charcpy ;
+ jsr charcpy ;
pla #1 ; Get the nibble offset back.
inc ; Increment the offset.
cmp #$10 ; Are we at the last offset?
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@ pntlo_lp:
pha #1 ; No, so preserve the nibble offset.
lda #' ' ; Add a space to the string buffer.
- jsl charcpy ;
+ jsr charcpy ;
pla #1 ; Get the nibble offset back.
jmp pntlo_lp ; Keep looping.
@@ -380,8 +378,8 @@ pntlo_end:
sta strbuf, x ;
tax ; Reset X.
lda.d #strbuf ; Print the string buffer.
- jsl print_str ;
- rtl ; End of print_lo.
+ jsr print_str ;
+ rts ; End of print_lo.
ldx #0 ; Reset X.
@@ -391,16 +389,16 @@ pntchnk_lp:
and #0 ; Reset A.
ldx #2 ; Set the digit count to 2.
lda (idx0), y ; Get the byte at that address.
- jsl print_hex ; Print the byte.
+ jsr print_hex ; Print the byte.
lda.w (ptr3) ; Get the two digits.
- jsl charcpy ; Copy the first digit.
+ jsr charcpy ; Copy the first digit.
lsr #8 ; Copy the next digit.
- jsl charcpy ;
+ jsr charcpy ;
iny ; Increment the byte index.
cpy #$10 ; Have we read 16 bytes?
beq pntchnk_end ; Yes, so we're done.
lda #' ' ; No, so add a soace to the string buffer.
- jsl charcpy ;
+ jsr charcpy ;
jmp pntchnk_lp ; Keep looping.
ply #2 ; Get the screen buffer index back.
@@ -409,7 +407,7 @@ pntchnk_end:
sta strbuf, x ;
tax ; Reset X.
sta idx3 ; Clear the string index.
- rtl ; End of print_chunk.
+ rts ; End of print_chunk.
lda.q prg_cnt ; Get the program counter.
@@ -418,18 +416,18 @@ viewmem:
sta idx0 ; Overwrite the first byte, with the masked byte.
lda #19 ; Move the cursor to the right, by 19 columns.
sta scr_col ;
- jsl update_pos ;
- jsl print_lo ; Print the low nibble offsets.
+ jsr update_pos ;
+ jsr print_lo ; Print the low nibble offsets.
ldx #0 ; Reset X.
ldb #0 ; Reset B.
stb idx1 ; Reset the byte count.
lda #'\n' ; Print a newline.
- jsl print_char ;
- jsl print_hi ; Place the address in the string buffer.
- jsl print_chunk ; Place the next 16 bytes in the string buffer.
+ jsr print_char ;
+ jsr print_hi ; Place the address in the string buffer.
+ jsr print_chunk ; Place the next 16 bytes in the string buffer.
lda.d #strbuf ; Print the string buffer.
- jsl print_str ;
+ jsr print_str ;
inc idx1 ; Increment the chunk count.
ldb idx1 ; Get the chunk count.
cpb #$10 ; Did we print 16 chunks?
@@ -442,7 +440,7 @@ vmem_lp0:
jmp vmem_lp0 ; Keep looping.
lda #'\n' ; Print a newline.
- jsl print_char ;
+ jsr print_char ;
and #0 ; Reset A.
rts ; End of viewmem.
diff --git a/programs/subeditor.s b/programs/subeditor.s
index e344588..0a42c32 100644
--- a/programs/subeditor.s
+++ b/programs/subeditor.s
@@ -38,11 +38,6 @@ made:
.byte "mr b0nk 500"
-; .byte "SuB Suite"
-; .byte "0.9"
.byte "You typed, "
@@ -143,17 +138,17 @@ reset:
lda.w #$1FFF ; Set the clear count to $1FFF.
sta.w scr_ptr ;
lda.d #buffer ; Set the array to be cleared to the screen buffer.
- jsl clr_arr ; Clear the screen buffer.
- jsl pnt_strt ; Print the starting message.
+ jsr clr_arr ; Clear the screen buffer.
+ jsr pnt_strt ; Print the starting message.
jmp start ; Goto the start of the main program.
phb #1 ; Preserve whatever was in B.
ldb #0 ; Clear B.
- jsl set_ptr ; Set the first pointer to the parameter.
+ jsr set_ptr ; Set the first pointer to the parameter.
adc #8 ; Set the second pointer to the parameter, plus eight.
inb ; Tell set_ptr to set the second pointer.
- jsl set_ptr ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
deb ; Set B back to zero.
tba ;
@@ -175,26 +170,26 @@ clr_arr_st:
ldy.w zero ; Set the index back to zero.
plb #1 ; Get whatever was in the B register, back.
- rtl ; End of clr_arr.
+ rts ; End of clr_arr.
lda.w #ed_name ; Print the name of the editor.
- jsl print_str ;
+ jsr print_str ;
lda.w #ver_str ; Print the version text.
- jsl print_str ;
+ jsr print_str ;
lda.w #ed_ver ; Print the version number.
- jsl print_str ;
+ jsr print_str ;
lda.w #ed_sver ; Print the sub version number.
- jsl print_str ;
+ jsr print_str ;
lda #'\n' ; Print a newline.
- jsl print_char ;
+ jsr print_char ;
lda.w #made ; Print the "Created by" text.
- jsl print_str ;
+ jsr print_str ;
lda.w #author ; Print the name of the author.
- jsl print_str ;
+ jsr print_str ;
lda #'\n' ; Print a newline.
- jsl print_char ;
- rtl ; End of pnt_strt.
+ jsr print_char ;
+ rts ; End of pnt_strt.
lda #0 ; TODO: Update this for the Super VIA.
@@ -205,7 +200,7 @@ start:
lda.w #$3FF ; Set the clear count to $3FF.
sta.w scr_ptr ;
lda.d #cmd_buf ; Set the array to be cleared to the command buffer.
- jsl clr_arr ; Clear the command buffer.
+ jsr clr_arr ; Clear the command buffer.
ply #2 ; Get back the cursor index.
and #0 ; Reset the Accumulator.
sta end ;
@@ -217,7 +212,7 @@ read:
inc end ; Enable the dummy flag.
lda status ; Did we get a key?
beq read ; No, so try again.
- jsl getchar ; Yes, and was it a newline?
+ jsr getchar ; Yes, and was it a newline?
beq parse ; Yes, so start parsing the line.
jmp read ; No, so keep looping.
@@ -227,7 +222,7 @@ print_str:
lda.q end ; Get the parameter.
ldb #0 ; Clear the B register.
- jsl set_ptr ; Set the first pointer to the parameter.
+ jsr set_ptr ; Set the first pointer to the parameter.
tba ; Clear the Accumulator.
ldb #1 ; Enable replace mode.
@@ -242,12 +237,12 @@ pntstr_lp:
ply #2 ; Get the cursor index back.
beq pntstr_end ; Yes, so we're done.
inx ; No, so increment the string index.
- jsl print_char ; Print the character.
+ jsr print_char ; Print the character.
jmp pntstr_lp ; Keep looping.
ldb #0 ; Enable insert mode.
stb b ;
- rtl ; End of print_str.
+ rts ; End of print_str.
clc ; Clear the carry flag.
@@ -263,10 +258,10 @@ getbt1:
pha #1 ; Save the parameter.
ldb #1 ; Make sure that set_ptr sets the second pointer.
lda.d #bitabl ; Set the second pointer to the linewrap table.
- jsl set_ptr ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
lsr #$10 ; Clear the Accumulator.
pla #1 ; Get the return byte back.
- jsl bitpos ; Get the bit, and byte position.
+ jsr bitpos ; Get the bit, and byte position.
phy #2 ; Save the screen index.
txy ; Get the byte position.
ldb (ptr2), y ; Get one byte of the wrap table.
@@ -279,10 +274,10 @@ clrbit:
pha #1 ; Save the parameter.
ldb #1 ; Make sure that set_ptr sets the second pointer.
lda.d #bitabl ; Set the second pointer to the linewrap table.
- jsl set_ptr ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
and #0 ; Clear the Accumulator.
pla #1 ; Get the return byte back.
- jsl bitpos ; Get the bit, and byte position.
+ jsr bitpos ; Get the bit, and byte position.
xor #$FF ; Invert the bitmask.
phy #2 ; Save the screen index.
txy ; Get the byte position.
@@ -293,16 +288,16 @@ bitsav:
ply #2 ; Get the screen index back.
ldx bitmask ; Return the bitmask.
- rtl ; We are done.
+ rts ; We are done.
pha #1 ; Save the parameter.
ldb #1 ; Make sure that set_ptr sets the second pointer.
lda.d #bitabl ; Set the second pointer to the linewrap table.
- jsl set_ptr ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
and #0 ; Clear the Accumulator.
pla #1 ; Get the return byte back.
- jsl bitpos ; Get the bit, and byte position.
+ jsr bitpos ; Get the bit, and byte position.
phy #2 ; Save the screen index.
txy ; Get the byte position.
ldb (ptr2), y ; Get one byte of the wrap table.
@@ -313,7 +308,7 @@ bitpos:
pha #1 ; Save the parameter.
ldb #0 ; Make sure that set_ptr sets the first pointer.
lda.w #bits ; Set the first pointer to the bitmask table.
- jsl set_ptr ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
and #0 ; Clear the Accumulator.
pla #1 ; Get the parameter back.
stx bitmask ; Make the line number the bitmask.
@@ -329,7 +324,7 @@ bitpos:
lsr #3 ; Get the byte position.
tax ; Copy it into X.
pla #1 ; Get back the bitmask.
- rtl ; End of bitpos.
+ rts ; End of bitpos.
lda kbd ; Get the character that was typed from the keyboard.
@@ -340,14 +335,14 @@ getchar:
phy #2 ; Save the cursor index.
cmp #'\n' ; Was the character that was typed, a newline?
bne getchar_pnt ; No, so just print the character.
- jsl cmd_cpy ; Yes, so start copying the line to the command buffer.
+ jsr cmd_cpy ; Yes, so start copying the line to the command buffer.
ply #2 ; Get back the cursor index.
pla #1 ; Get back the character.
ldb e ; Is the temporary row position non zero?
bne reset_row ; Yes, so reset the row positon.
- jsl print_char ; No, so print the character.
+ jsr print_char ; No, so print the character.
lda a ; Get the return value.
cmp #'\n' ; Is the return value, a newline?
beq getchar_ln ; Yes, so return 0.
@@ -369,13 +364,13 @@ getchar_ln:
lda #1 ; Return one.
- rtl ; End of get char.
+ rts ; End of get char.
lda scr_row ; Get the row position.
sta scr_trow ; Save it for later.
- jsl findend ; Find the end of the line.
+ jsr findend ; Find the end of the line.
ldb scr_str ; Has the screen been scrolled?
beq cmd_cpy3 ; No, so don't subtract the screen's starting point from the line number.
@@ -385,7 +380,7 @@ cmd_cpy2:
sta scr_row ; Set the row position to the end of the line.
sta e ; Save it into the temporary row posiition.
- jsl findst ; Find the start of the line.
+ jsr findst ; Find the start of the line.
clc ; Clear the carry flag.
lda scr_row ; Get the row position.
adc scr_str ; Add it with the screen's starting row.
@@ -394,10 +389,10 @@ cmd_cpy3:
ldx.w #0 ; Reset the X register.
ldb #0 ; Make sure that set_ptr sets the first pointer.
lda.d #buffer ; Set the first pointer to the start of the screen buffer.
- jsl set_ptr ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
inb ; Make sure that set_ptr sets the second pointer.
lda.d #cmd_buf ; Set the second pointer to the start of the command buffer.
- jsl set_ptr ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
deb ; Set B back to zero.
tba ; Set the accumulator to zero.
@@ -431,14 +426,14 @@ cmd_cpy_nd0:
ply #2 ; Get back the screen index.
tab ; The B register is zero, so clear the Accumulator.
- rtl ; End of cmd_cpy.
+ rts ; End of cmd_cpy.
lda #0 ; Reset A.
pha #1 ; Save the current line number.
- jsl getbit ; Is this the start of the line?
+ jsr getbit ; Is this the start of the line?
pla #1 ; Get the current line number back.
bcc findst_done ; Yes, so we're done.
inc ; No, so check the next physical line.
@@ -448,14 +443,14 @@ findst_lp:
inc scr_row ; Put the row postiion back to zero.
cmp #0 ; Update all the flags.
- rtl ; End of findst.
+ rts ; End of findst.
phb #1 ; Save the contents of the B register.
ldb #0 ; Make sure that set_ptr sets the first pointer.
lda.d #buffer ; Set the first pointer to the start of the screen buffer.
- jsl set_ptr ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
tba ; Set the Accumulator to zero.
plb #1 ; Restore the contents of the B register.
phy #2 ;
@@ -467,25 +462,25 @@ fndend_lp:
sty.w scr_ptr3 ;
ply #2 ;
- rtl ; End of fndend.
+ rts ; End of fndend.
- jsl fndend ;
+ jsr fndend ;
lda.w scr_ptr3 ;
div #maxcol+1 ;
- rtl ;
+ rts ;
lda #0 ;
tax ;
- jsl subasm ;
+ jsr subasm ;
jmp start ;
sta a ; Save the typed character for now.
ldb #2 ; Make sure that set_ptr sets the third pointer.
lda.d #buffer ; Set the third pointer to the start of the screen buffer.
- jsl set_ptr ;
+ jsr set_ptr ;
ldb #0 ; Set B to zero.
tba ; Set the Accumulator to zero.
lda a ; Get back the character.
@@ -511,25 +506,25 @@ printc:
lda b ; No, but was the flag set?
bne printc_save ; Yes, so don't shift the line.
sty.w scr_ptr ; No, so save the cursor index for later.
- jsl fndend ; Find the end of the line.
+ jsr fndend ; Find the end of the line.
jmp prntc_movln ; Start shifting the line right.
lda scr_col ; Save the current column position for later.
sta scr_tcol ;
- jsl findend ; Find the end of the line.
+ jsr findend ; Find the end of the line.
sta e ; Use it for redrawing the line.
sta scr_row ; Set the row position to to the end of the line.
- jsl findst ; Find the start of the line.
+ jsr findst ; Find the start of the line.
lda scr_row ; Get the start of the line.
sta f ; Set the starting line, to the start of the line.
- jsl rdrw_ln ; Redraw the line.
+ jsr rdrw_ln ; Redraw the line.
lda scr_trow ; Get the real row position back.
sta scr_row ;
lda scr_tcol ; Get the real column position back.
sta scr_col ;
- jsl update_pos ; Update the cursor's position.
+ jsr update_pos ; Update the cursor's position.
dec d ;
jmp printc_sav1 ;
@@ -539,7 +534,7 @@ prntc_movln:
dey ;
ldb #1 ;
stb d ;
- jsl shftln ;
+ jsr shftln ;
ldb #1 ;
stb d ;
lda a ;
@@ -580,7 +575,7 @@ printc_scrl:
clc ;
lda #1 ;
sta wrapped ;
- jsl scrl_down ;
+ jsr scrl_down ;
jmp printc_wrap ;
ldb #0
@@ -596,11 +591,11 @@ printc_wrp2:
lda scr_row ;
adc scr_str ;
tax ;
- jsl setbit ;
+ jsr setbit ;
plx #2 ;
- jsl update_pos ;
+ jsr update_pos ;
- rtl ;
+ rts ;
lda #0 ; Reset A.
@@ -612,11 +607,11 @@ nl1:
lda scr_row ; Get the row position.
cmp #maxrow ; Are we at the bottom of the screen?
bcc nl_inc ; No, so move down one line.
- jsl scrl_down ; Yes, so scroll down one line.
+ jsr scrl_down ; Yes, so scroll down one line.
jmp nl_end ; We are done.
inc scr_row ; Move the cursor down by one line.
- jsl update_pos ; Update the cursor's position.
+ jsr update_pos ; Update the cursor's position.
lda #'\n' ; Print the newline.
sta a ;
@@ -633,15 +628,15 @@ clr_scr:
lda.w #$1FFF ; Set the clear count to $1FFF.
sta.w scr_ptr ;
lda.d #buffer ; Set the array to be cleared to the screen buffer.
- jsl clr_arr ; Clear the screen buffer.
+ jsr clr_arr ; Clear the screen buffer.
tay ;
lda.w #$3FF ; Set the clear count to $3FF.
sta.w scr_ptr ;
lda.d #cmd_buf ; Set the array to be cleared to the command buffer.
- jsl clr_arr ; Clear the screen buffer.
+ jsr clr_arr ; Clear the screen buffer.
sta scr_col ;
sta scr_row ;
- jsl update_pos ;
+ jsr update_pos ;
lda #$C ;
sta scr ;
jmp printc_end ;
@@ -670,10 +665,10 @@ back:
stb f ;
lda scr_row ; Save the current row position for later.
sta scr_trow ;
- jsl findend ; Find the end of the line.
+ jsr findend ; Find the end of the line.
sta scr_row ; Set our row position to the end of the line.
- jsl findst ; Does this line take up more than one real line?
+ jsr findst ; Does this line take up more than one real line?
beq back1 ; No, so skip updating any other lines.
bcs back_updt ; Yes, so update the other lines.
lda scr_trow ; Get the real row position back.
@@ -686,24 +681,24 @@ back1:
iny ; Increment cursor index.
ldb #0 ; Set shifting direction to left.
stb d ;
- jsl shftln ; Shift line back by one character.
+ jsr shftln ; Shift line back by one character.
lda #$7F ; Print a backspace to the screen.
sta scr ;
lda e ; Are we updating more than one line?
beq back3 ; No, so skip to the next step.
- jsl findend ; Yes, so find the end of the line.
+ jsr findend ; Yes, so find the end of the line.
sta e ; Set the end parameter to it.
lda scr_col ; Save the current column position for now.
sta scr_tcol ;
- jsl rdrw_ln ; Start redrawing the line.
+ jsr rdrw_ln ; Start redrawing the line.
lda scr_tcol ; Get the real column position back.
sta scr_col ;
lda scr_trow ; Get the real row position bac.
sta scr_row ;
dec scr_col ; Move the cursor back by one column,
- jsl update_pos ; and update it's position.
+ jsr update_pos ; and update it's position.
jmp printc_end ; We are done.
lda scr_row ; Set the line to start redrawing, to the start of the line.
@@ -716,7 +711,7 @@ bs:
beq back_wrap ; Yes, so check for a wrapped line.
jmp back ; No, so add the backspace to the buffer.
- jsl getbit ; Is this line, a wrapped line?
+ jsr getbit ; Is this line, a wrapped line?
bcs back_wrap1 ; Yes, so check if the cursor is at the top.
jmp printc_end ; No, so we're done.
@@ -729,7 +724,7 @@ back_wrap2:
jmp printc_end ; No, so we're done.
clc ; Clear the carry flag, so that we don't get odd behaviour.
- jsl scrl_up ; Scroll up.
+ jsr scrl_up ; Scroll up.
inc scr_row ; Move down by one row.
clc ; Clear the carry flag.
@@ -740,7 +735,7 @@ backwrp2:
dec scr_row ; Move up by one row.
ldb #maxcol+1 ; Move the cursor to the absolute right of the screen.
stb scr_col ;
- jsl update_pos ; Update the cursor's position.
+ jsr update_pos ; Update the cursor's position.
jmp back ; Delete the previous character.
@@ -784,11 +779,11 @@ shftln_lp1:
jmp shftln_lp1 ; Keep looping.
tax ; Use the ending line as a parameter for setbit.
- jsl setbit ; Set the wrap bit of the ending line.
+ jsr setbit ; Set the wrap bit of the ending line.
jmp shftln_end2 ; We are done.
tax ; Use the ending line as a parameter for clrbit.
- jsl clrbit ; Clear the wrap bit of the ending line.
+ jsr clrbit ; Clear the wrap bit of the ending line.
jmp shftln_end2 ; We are done.
lda (ptr3), y ; Is this character a null terminator?
@@ -796,7 +791,7 @@ shftln_end:
lda #$20 ; Yes, so convert it to a space for now.
sta (ptr3), y ;
- jsl findend ; Find the ending line.
+ jsr findend ; Find the ending line.
sta d ; Save ending line for later.
lda (ptr3), y ; Is this character a space?
cmp #$20 ;
@@ -810,7 +805,7 @@ shftln_nd1:
bcs shftln_wrap ; Yes, so set the wrap bit.
jmp shftln_end2 ; No, so we're done.
- jsl findend ; Find the ending line.
+ jsr findend ; Find the ending line.
cpb #0 ; Is the remainder zero?
beq shftln_nd2 ; Yes, so check if the ending line is greater than the starting line.
jmp shftln_end2 ; No, so we're done.
@@ -819,7 +814,7 @@ shftln_nd2:
beq shftln_end2 ; No, so we're done.
bcs shftln_wrp1 ; Yes, so clear the wrap bit.
- rtl ; End of shftln.
+ rts ; End of shftln.
lda status ; Get the next character.
@@ -832,17 +827,17 @@ esc:
sta c ; Store the escape code, until we need it.
lda #0 ; Set the D pseudo register to zero.
sta d ;
- jsl isup ; Check if the user pressed up.
+ jsr isup ; Check if the user pressed up.
lda d ; Did the user press up?
bne esc_end ; Yes, so we're done.
- jsl isdown ; No, so check if the user pressed down.
+ jsr isdown ; No, so check if the user pressed down.
lda d ; Did the user press down?
bne esc_end ; Yes, so we're done.
lda #0 ; No, so check if the user pressed left.
- jsl isleft ;
+ jsr isleft ;
lda d ; Did the user press left?
bne esc_end ; Yes, so we're done.
- jsl isright ; No, so check if the user pressed right.
+ jsr isright ; No, so check if the user pressed right.
lda #0 ; Clear the D pseudo register.
sta d ;
@@ -857,10 +852,10 @@ shftesc:
sta c ; Store the escape code, until we need it.
lda #0 ; Use the D pseudo register as a skip flag.
sta d ;
- jsl isshftup ; Check if the user pressed shift+up.
+ jsr isshftup ; Check if the user pressed shift+up.
lda d ; Was it successful?
bne shftesc_end ; Yes, so we're done.
- jsl isshftdown ; No, so check if the user pressed shift+down.
+ jsr isshftdown ; No, so check if the user pressed shift+down.
lda #0 ; Clear the D pseudo register.
sta d ;
@@ -880,11 +875,11 @@ isup_2:
lda scr_str ; Are we at the top of the screen buffer?
beq isup_done ; Yes, so we're done.
- jsl scrl_up ; No, so scroll up.
+ jsr scrl_up ; No, so scroll up.
lda #1 ; Tell the escape routine that we were successful.
sta d ;
- rtl ; End of isup.
+ rts ; End of isup.
lda c ; Load the escape code into the accumulator.
@@ -902,7 +897,7 @@ isdown_scrl:
sta scr_trow ;
lda scr_col ; Save the cursor's column number.
sta scr_tcol ;
- jsl scrl_down ; Scroll down.
+ jsr scrl_down ; Scroll down.
lda scr_trow ; Load the cursor's row number.
sta scr_row ;
lda scr_tcol ; Load the cursor's column number.
@@ -910,7 +905,7 @@ isdown_scrl:
lda #1 ; Tell the escape routine that we were successful.
sta d ;
- rtl ; End of isdown.
+ rts ; End of isdown.
lda c ; Load the escape code into the accumulator.
@@ -922,7 +917,7 @@ isright:
jmp right ; No, so move the cursor right, like normal.
inc scr_row ; Move down a row.
- jsl getbit ; Is the current line, a wrapped line?
+ jsr getbit ; Is the current line, a wrapped line?
bcs wrap_inc ; Yes, so leave the cursor where it is.
dec scr_row ; No, so move the cursor back up a row.
jmp isright_dne ; We are done.
@@ -931,7 +926,7 @@ isright_scr:
beq isright_end ; Yes, so we're done.
lda #1 ; No, so scroll down.
sta wrapped ; Set the wrapped flag.
- jsl scrl_down ; Scroll down.
+ jsr scrl_down ; Scroll down.
jmp isright_end ; We are done.
lda #0 ; Set the cursor to the far left of the screen.
@@ -944,11 +939,11 @@ wrap_inc:
dec scr_row ; Move back up a row.
- jsl update_pos ; Update the cursor position.
+ jsr update_pos ; Update the cursor position.
lda #0 ; Unset the wrapped flag.
sta wrapped ;
- rtl ; End of isright.
+ rts ; End of isright.
lda c ; Load the escape code into the accumulator.
@@ -961,7 +956,7 @@ isleft:
beq left ; Yes, so move the cursor left.
jmp isleft_done ; No, so we're done.
- jsl getbit ; Is the current line, a wrapped line?
+ jsr getbit ; Is the current line, a wrapped line?
bcs wrap_dec ; Yes, so wrap back up a line.
jmp isleft_done ; No, so we're done.
@@ -983,34 +978,34 @@ isleft_scrl:
bne isleft_end ; Yes so we're done.
lda scr_str ; No, but are we actually at the top of the screen buffer?
beq isleft_done ; Yes, so we're done.
- jsl scrl_up ; No, so scroll up.
+ jsr scrl_up ; No, so scroll up.
jmp isleft_done ; We are done.
- jsl update_pos ; Update the cursor position.
+ jsr update_pos ; Update the cursor position.
lda #0 ; Unset the wrapped flag.
sta wrapped ;
- rtl ; End of isleft.
+ rts ; End of isleft.
dec scr_row ; Move the cursor up a line.
- jsl update_pos ; Update it's position.
+ jsr update_pos ; Update it's position.
lda #1 ; Tell the escape routine that we succeded.
sta d ;
jmp isup_done ; We are done.
inc scr_row ; Move the cursor down a line.
- jsl update_pos ; Update it's position.
+ jsr update_pos ; Update it's position.
lda #1 ; Tell the escape routine that we succeded.
sta d ;
jmp isdown_done ; We are done.
inc scr_col ; Move the cursor right by one character.
- jsl update_pos ; Update it's position.
+ jsr update_pos ; Update it's position.
jmp isright_dne ; We are done.
dec scr_col ; Move the cursor left a character.
- jsl update_pos ; Update it's position.
+ jsr update_pos ; Update it's position.
lda #1 ; Tell the escape routine that we succeded.
sta d ;
jmp isleft_done ; We are done
@@ -1025,7 +1020,7 @@ isshftup:
beq shftup_done ;
jmp shftup ;
- rtl ;
+ rts ;
lda c ; Load the escape code back into the accumulator.
@@ -1038,16 +1033,16 @@ isshftdown:
bcs shftdn_done ;
jmp shftdown ;
- rtl ;
+ rts ;
- jsl scrl_up ;
+ jsr scrl_up ;
lda #1 ;
sta d ;
jmp shftup_done ;
- jsl scrl_down ;
+ jsr scrl_down ;
lda #1 ;
sta d ;
jmp shftdn_done ;
@@ -1066,11 +1061,11 @@ update_pos:
sta scr ; to the screen.
lda #'[' ; Print '['
sta scr ; to the screen, and start the escape sequence.
- jsl getrow ; Start printing the row number to the screen.
- jsl getcol ; Start printing the column number to the screen.
+ jsr getrow ; Start printing the row number to the screen.
+ jsr getcol ; Start printing the column number to the screen.
lda #'H' ; Print 'H'
sta scr ; to the screen.
- rtl ; End of update_pos.
+ rts ; End of update_pos.
lda scr_row ; Get the cursor's y coordinate.
@@ -1080,7 +1075,7 @@ getrow:
tba ; Get the remainder.
adc #'0' ; Convert it to ascii, and
sta scr ; print to the screen.
- rtl ; End of getrow.
+ rts ; End of getrow.
lda #';' ; Print ';'
@@ -1094,7 +1089,7 @@ getcol:
adc #'0' ; Convert it to ascii, and
sta scr ; print to the screen.
- rtl ; End of getrow.
+ rts ; End of getrow.
inc scr_str ; Increment the starting line of the screen.
@@ -1110,7 +1105,7 @@ scrl_down:
lda wrapped ; Was the wrapped flag set?
beq scrldn_save ; Yes, so save the cursor position.
- jsl rdrw_row ; Redraw this row.
+ jsr rdrw_row ; Redraw this row.
lda wrapped ; Was the wrapped flag set?
beq scrldn_load ; Yes, so load the previous cursor position back.
jmp scrldn_end ; No, so we're done.
@@ -1124,11 +1119,11 @@ scrldn_load:
pla #1 ; Get the cursor's previous line number back.
sta scr_row ;
- jsl update_pos ; Update the cursor's position.
+ jsr update_pos ; Update the cursor's position.
lda #0 ; Clear the wrapped flag.
sta wrapped ;
- rtl ; End of scrl_down.
+ rts ; End of scrl_down.
dec scr_str ;
@@ -1145,19 +1140,19 @@ scrl_up:
pha #1 ;
lda #0 ;
sta scr_row ;
- jsl rdrw_row ;
+ jsr rdrw_row ;
pla #1 ;
sta scr_col ;
pla #1 ;
sta scr_row ;
- jsl update_pos ;
+ jsr update_pos ;
- rtl ;
+ rts ;
lda #0 ;
sta scr_col ;
- jsl update_pos ;
+ jsr update_pos ;
lda (ptr3), y ;
beq rdrow_inc ;
@@ -1180,9 +1175,9 @@ rdrow_skip:
lda #0 ;
sta scr_col ;
- jsl update_pos ;
+ jsr update_pos ;
- rtl ;
+ rts ;
lda scr_row ;
@@ -1191,14 +1186,14 @@ rdrw_ln:
sta scr_row ;
lda scr_col ;
pha #1 ;
- jsl update_pos ;
+ jsr update_pos ;
lda scr_row ;
cmp e ;
beq rdrwln_lp1 ;
bcs rdrwln_done ;
- jsl rdrw_row ;
+ jsr rdrw_row ;
inc scr_row ;
jmp rdrwln_lp ;
@@ -1207,11 +1202,11 @@ rdrwln_done:
sta scr_col ;
pla #1 ;
sta scr_row ;
- jsl update_pos ;
+ jsr update_pos ;
lda #0 ;
sta e ;
sta f ;
- rtl ;
+ rts ;
cpb #1 ; Are we setting the second pointer?
@@ -1230,7 +1225,7 @@ set_ptr3:
stb.q ptr3 ; Reset the third pointer.
sta.q ptr3 ; Set the third pointer.
- rtl ; End of set_ptr.
+ rts ; End of set_ptr.
; Entry point for SuBAsm.