path: root/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
2 files changed, 535 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/test/fib-new.s b/test/fib-new.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43538a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fib-new.s
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+; Name: fib.s
+; Description: Computes the Fibbonacci sequence.
+; Written in Sux Assembly
+; by mr b0nk 500 <>
+; Variables for thread 0. $0
+ .qword $0
+ .qword $0
+ .qword $0
+; Variables for thread 1.
+ .qword $0
+ .qword $0
+ .qword $0
+ $1000
+ cps ; Clear the Processor Status register.
+ lda #$0 ; Clear the accumulator.
+ ldy #$1 ; y=1.
+ sty.q y ; Store y into memory.
+ ldx #$0 ; x=0.
+ ldx.q x ; Output the value of x.
+ adc.q y ; Add x with y.
+ sta.q z ; z=x+y
+ ldy.q y
+ sty.q x ; x=y.
+ sta.q y ; y=z.
+ lda.q x
+ bcs start ; Start all over again, if the carry flag was set.
+ jmp fib ; Otherwise, keep looping.
+ $2000
+ cps ; Clear the Processor Status register.
+ lda #$0 ; Clear the accumulator.
+ ldy #$1 ; y2=1.
+ sty.q y2 ; Store y into memory.
+ ldx #$0 ; x2=0.
+ ldx.q x2 ; Output the value of x2.
+ adc.q y2 ; Add x2 with y2.
+ sta.q z2 ; z2=x2+y2
+ ldy.q y2
+ sty.q x2 ; x2=y2.
+ sta.q y2 ; y2=z2.
+ lda.q x2
+ bcs start2 ; Start all over again, if the carry flag was set.
+ jmp fib2 ; Otherwise, keep looping.
+ $FFC0
+.qword init
+; Set up the thread vectors. $FF50
+.qword init2
+; Execute the program.
diff --git a/test/input-3.s b/test/input-3.s
index a05cb9d..35547a7 100644
--- a/test/input-3.s
+++ b/test/input-3.s
@@ -18,14 +18,6 @@ buffer:
.org $4000
cmd_buf: $200
- .byte $0
- .qword $0
- .word $0
- .byte $0
; Initalize some variables.
.org $0
@@ -33,12 +25,12 @@ scr_row:
.byte $0
.byte $0
- .word $0
- .word $0
.byte $0
+ .byte $0
+ .word $0
.byte $0
@@ -49,12 +41,34 @@ d:
.byte $0
.byte $0
+ .byte $0
.byte "Please, type something.\n"
.byte "You typed, "
.byte $0
+ .byte $80
+ .byte $40
+ .byte $20
+ .byte $10
+ .byte $08
+ .byte $04
+ .byte $02
+ .byte $01
+ .byte $0
+ .qword $0
+ .qword $0
+.byte $0
+.byte $0
+.byte $0
; Pointers
@@ -65,10 +79,6 @@ tptr:
.qword tok
.qword msg
- .qword bitmask
- .qword bitabl
; Main program
.org $8000
@@ -77,7 +87,14 @@ reset:
ldx.w #$FFFF
ldy #0
+ lda #23
+ sta scr_end
lda #0
+ sta scr_str
+ ldx #8
+ sta.q bitabl
+ sta.q bitabl, x
+ tax
jsl clr_buf
jmp start
@@ -99,8 +116,6 @@ start:
ldy.w #0
jsl clr_cbuf
ply #2
- lda #1
- sta $C000
jmp print
@@ -124,9 +139,6 @@ read:
jsl getchar ; We got a key.
beq parse ; We got a newline, so start parsing the line.
jmp rset_a ; We didn't get a newline, so keep getting more characters.
- lda end
- bne spin ; Are we done with getting input?
phy #2
@@ -139,17 +151,45 @@ print:
jmp print
- phy #2
+ clc
+ lda scr_str
+ bne getbt0
ldx scr_row
+ jmp getbt1
+ lda scr_row
+ adc scr_str
+ tax
jsl bitpos
- txy
- ldb (btptr), y
- ply #2
+ ldb bitabl, x
cmp #1
jmp bitout
+; ldx scr_row
+; bcc setbit
+ jsl bitpos
+ xor #$FF
+ ldb bitabl, x
+ aba
+ sta bitabl, x
+ ldx bitmask
+ rtl
+ jsl bitpos
+ ldb bitabl, x
+ oab
+ jmp bitsav
stx bitmask
@@ -163,12 +203,11 @@ bitpos:
pla #1
- ldx bitmask
- rtl
lda $C002 ; Get typed character.
+ ldb #0
+ stb e
pha #1
phy #2
cmp #10
@@ -176,13 +215,27 @@ getchar:
ply #2
pla #1
+ ldb e
+ bne reset_row
jsl print_char
lda a
cmp #10
beq getchar_line
jmp getchar_char
+ ldb e
+ stb scr_row
+ jmp getchar_pnt1
+ ldb scr_row
+ stb e
+ jsl findst
+ clc
lda scr_row
+ adc scr_str
mul #80
ldx.w #$0
@@ -197,14 +250,22 @@ cmd_cpy_strt:
jmp cmd_cpy_strt
- lda #$0
- sta scr_lncnt
+ lda #0
jmp getchar_end
- lda #$1
+ lda #1
+ jsl getbit
+ bcc findst_done
+ dec scr_row
+ bpo findst
+ inc scr_row
+ rtl
lda #0
@@ -222,31 +283,62 @@ print_char:
beq nl ; Did the user type a newline?
cmp #$C
beq clr_scr
+ cmp #19
+ beq en_step
+ cmp #18
+ beq dis_step
cmp #8
beq bs ; Did the user type a backspace?
cmp #$7F
beq bs ; Did the user type a backspace?
sta a
- ldb scr_col
- cpb #79
- beq linewrap
- jmp printc
- ldb #0
- stb scr_col
- lda #$42
- sta c
- jsl isdown
- ldb scr_row
- cpb #23
- beq printc_end
lda a
- inc scr_col ; Increment the cursor's x coordinate.
- inc scr_lncnt
sta (ptr), y ; Store typed character into the input buffer.
+ inc scr_col ; Increment the cursor's x coordinate.
+ ldb #1
+ stb f
+ ldb scr_col
+ cpb #80
+ bcs printc_4
+ sta $C001 ; Echo typed character.
+ ldb f
+ beq printc_wrap
+ jmp printc_end
+ ldb scr_row
+ cpb #23
+ bcs printc_scrl
+ ldb #0
+ stb f
+ jmp printc_3
sta $C001 ; Echo typed character.
+ clc
+ lda #1
+ sta wrapped
+ jsl scrl_down
+ ldb #0
+ stb scr_col
+ ldb scr_row
+ cpb #23
+ bcs printc_wrap2
+ inc scr_row
+ phx #2
+ clc
+ lda scr_row
+ adc scr_str
+ tax
+ jsl setbit
+ plx #2
+ jsl update_pos
@@ -257,22 +349,25 @@ nl:
lda scr_row
cmp #23
bne nl_inc
- lda #1
+ jsl scrl_down
+ lda #10
sta a
jmp printc_end
- lda #$42
- sta c
- jsl isdown
- sty.w scr_lnst
+ inc scr_row
+ jsl update_pos
lda #10
sta a
jmp printc_end
+ lda #23
+ sta scr_end
lda #0
- sta.w scr_lnst
- sta scr_rowst
+ sta scr_str
+ ldx #8
+ sta.q bitabl
+ sta.q bitabl, x
jsl clr_buf
sta scr_col
@@ -282,25 +377,73 @@ clr_scr:
sta $C001
jmp printc_end
+ lda $C010
+ beq step_en
+ jmp stp_end
+ lda #1
+ sta $C010
+ jmp stp_end
+ lda $C010
+ bne step_dis
+ jmp stp_end
+ lda #0
+ sta $C010
+ jmp printc_end
lda #$7F
sta $C001
dey ; Decrement buffer offset.
lda #0 ; Put a null terminator, in place of the backspace.
sta (ptr), y ; Place it into the input buffer.
- lda #$44
dec scr_col
- dec scr_lncnt
jsl update_pos
jmp printc_end ; Get next character.
lda scr_col ; Are we at the start of the buffer?
- beq printc_end
+ beq back_wrap
jmp back ; We are not, so add the backspace to the buffer.
+ jsl getbit
+ bcs back_wrap1
+ jmp printc_end
+ lda scr_row
+ beq back_wrap2
+ jmp backwrp
+ lda scr_str
+ bne back_scrl
+ jmp printc_end
+ clc
+ jsl scrl_up
+ inc scr_row
+ clc
+ lda scr_row
+ adc scr_str
+ tax
+ dec scr_row
+ jsl clrbit
+ ldb #80
+ stb scr_col
+ jsl update_pos
+ jmp back
lda $C000 ; Skip the '['.
+ lda $C002
+ cmp #$1B
+ beq shftesc
lda $C000 ; Get the next character.
beq printc_end ; We have an error, so discard it, and go back to getting user input.
lda $C002 ; Get the escape code.
@@ -308,13 +451,9 @@ esc:
lda #0
sta d
jsl isup ; Check if the user pressed up.
- lda e
- bne esc_lnst
lda d
bne esc_end
jsl isdown ; Check if the user pressed down.
- lda e
- bne esc_lnst
lda d
bne esc_end
lda #0
@@ -322,61 +461,147 @@ esc:
lda d
bne esc_end
jsl isright ; Check if the user pressed right.
- jmp esc_end
- lda scr_row
- sta scr_rowst
- mul #80
- sta.w scr_lnst
lda #0
sta d
jmp printc_end ; Go back to getting user input.
+ lda $C000 ; Skip the '['.
+ lda $C000 ; Get the next character.
+ beq printc_end ; We have an error, so discard it, and go back to getting user input.
+ lda $C002 ; Get the escape code.
+ sta c ; Store the escape code, until we need it.
+ lda #0
+ sta d
+ jsl isshftup ; Check if the user pressed shift+up.
+ lda d
+ bne shftesc_end
+ jsl isshftdown ; Check if the user pressed shift+down.
+ lda #0
+ sta d
+ jmp printc_end ; Go back to getting user input.
+ lda c ; No, so load the escape code back into the accumulator.
+ cmp #$41 ; Did the user press the up arrow key?
+ bne isup_done ; Yes, so return.
+ lda #1
+ sta d
lda scr_row ; Is the cursor at the top of the screen?
- beq isup_done ; Yes, so return.
+ beq isup_scrl ; Yes, so return.
lda c ; No, so load the escape code back into the accumulator.
cmp #$41 ; Did the user press the up arrow key?
beq up ; Yes, so move the cursor up.
+ jmp isup_done
+ lda scr_str
+ beq isup_done
+ jsl scrl_up
rtl ; End of isup.
+ lda c ; No, so load the escape code back into the accumulator.
+ cmp #$42 ; Did the user press the down arrow key?
+ bne isdown_done
lda scr_row ; Start checking the y coordinate of the cursor.
cmp #23 ; Is the cursor at the bottom of the screen?
- beq isdown_done ; Yes, so return.
+ beq isdown_scrl ; Yes, so return.
lda c ; No, so load the escape code back into the accumulator.
cmp #$42 ; Did the user press the down arrow key?
beq down ; Yes, so move the cursor down.
jmp isdown_done
- lda #$1B ; Print an escape character
- sta $C001 ; to the screen.
- lda #$5B ; Print '['
- sta $C001 ; to the screen, and start the escape sequence.
- lda #$54 ; Print 'T'
- sta $C001 ; to the screen, and end the escape sequence.
+ lda scr_row
+ sta scr_trow
+ lda scr_col
+ sta scr_tcol
+ jsl scrl_down
+ lda scr_trow
+ sta scr_row
+ lda scr_tcol
+ sta scr_col
rtl ; End of isdown.
- lda scr_col ; Start checking the x coordinate of the cursor.
- cmp #79 ; Is the cursor at the far right of the screen?
- beq isright_end ; Yes, so return.
lda c ; No, so load the escape code back into the accumulator.
cmp #$43 ; Did the user press the right arrow key?
- beq right ; Yes, so move the cursor right.
+ bne isright_done
+ lda scr_col ; Start checking the x coordinate of the cursor.
+ cmp #79 ; Is the cursor at the far right of the screen?
+ beq isright_wrp ; Yes, so check if this is a wrapped line.
+ jmp right ; No, so move the cursor right, like normal.
+ inc scr_row
+ jsl getbit
+ bcs wrap_inc
+ dec scr_row
+ jmp isright_done
+ lda scr_str
+ beq isright_end
+ lda #1
+ sta wrapped
+ jsl scrl_down
+ dec scr_row
+ jmp isright_end
+ lda #0
+ sta scr_col
+ lda scr_row
+ cmp #23
+ bcs isright_scrl
+ jsl update_pos
+ lda #0
+ sta wrapped
rtl ; End of isright.
+ lda c
+ cmp #$43
+ beq isleft_done
lda scr_col ; Is the cursor at the far left of the screen?
- beq isleft_done ; Yes, so return.
+ beq isleft_wrp ; Yes, so start checking if this is a wrapped line.
lda c ; No, so load the escape code back into the accumulator.
cmp #$44 ; Did the user press the left arrow key?
beq left ; Yes, so move the cursor left.
+ jmp isleft_done
+ jsl getbit
+ bcs wrap_dec
+ jmp isleft_done
+ lda scr_row
+ beq wrap_dec1
+ lda #1
+ sta wrapped
+ dec scr_row
+ lda #79
+ sta scr_col
+ lda #1
+ sta d
+ lda scr_row
+ beq isleft_scrl
+ jmp isleft_end
+ lda wrapped
+ bne isleft_end
+ lda scr_str
+ beq isleft_done
+ jsl scrl_up
+ jmp isleft_done
+ jsl update_pos
+ lda #0
+ sta wrapped
rtl ; End of isleft.
@@ -394,7 +619,7 @@ down:
inc scr_col
jsl update_pos
- jmp isright_end
+ jmp isright_done
dec scr_col
jsl update_pos
@@ -402,9 +627,52 @@ left:
sta d
jmp isleft_done
+ lda c ; Load the escape code back into the accumulator.
+ cmp #$41 ; Did the user press the up arrow key?
+ bne isshftup_done
+ lda #1
+ sta d
+ lda scr_str
+ beq isshftup_done
+ jmp shftup
+ rtl
+ lda c ; Load the escape code back into the accumulator.
+ cmp #$42 ; Did the user press the down arrow key?
+ bne isshftdown_done
+ lda #1
+ sta d
+ lda scr_end
+ cmp #71
+ bcs isshftdown_done
+ jmp shftdown
+ rtl
+ jsl scrl_up
+ lda #1
+ sta d
+ jmp isshftup_done
+ jsl scrl_down
+ lda #1
+ sta d
+ jmp isshftdown_done
+ ldb #1
+ stb f
+ clc
lda scr_row
+ adc scr_str
+ clc
mul #80
+ clc
adc scr_col
lda #$1B ; Print an escape character
@@ -432,13 +700,124 @@ getcol:
sta $C001 ; to the screen.
lda scr_col ; Get the cursor's x coordinate.
div #10 ; Divide A by 10.
+ clc
adc #$30 ; Convert it to ascii, and
sta $C001 ; print to the screen.
tba ; Get the remainder.
+ clc
adc #$30 ; Convert it to ascii, and
sta $C001 ; print to the screen.
rtl ; End of getrow.
+ inc scr_str
+ inc scr_end
+ lda #$1B ; Print an escape character
+ sta $C001 ; to the screen.
+ lda #$5B ; Print '['
+ sta $C001 ; to the screen, and start the escape sequence.
+ lda #$54 ; Print 'T'
+ sta $C001 ; to the screen, and end the escape sequence.
+ lda wrapped
+ beq scrldn_save
+ jsl rdrw_row
+ lda wrapped
+ beq scrldn_load
+ jmp scrldn_end
+ lda scr_row
+ pha #1
+ lda scr_col
+ pha #1
+ jmp scrldn1
+ pla #1
+ sta scr_col
+ pla #1
+ sta scr_row
+ jsl update_pos
+ lda #0
+ sta wrapped
+ rtl
+ dec scr_str
+ dec scr_end
+ lda #$1B ; Print an escape character
+ sta $C001 ; to the screen.
+ lda #$5B ; Print '['
+ sta $C001 ; to the screen, and start the escape sequence.
+ lda #$53 ; Print 'S'
+ sta $C001 ; to the screen, and end the escape sequence.
+ lda scr_row
+ pha #1
+ lda scr_col
+ pha #1
+ lda #0
+ sta scr_row
+ jsl rdrw_row
+ pla #1
+ sta scr_col
+ pla #1
+ sta scr_row
+ jsl update_pos
+ rtl
+ lda #0
+ sta scr_col
+ jsl update_pos
+ lda (ptr), y
+ beq rdrow_inc
+ sta $C001
+ inc scr_col
+ lda (ptr), y
+ beq rdrow_skip
+ iny
+ lda scr_col
+ cmp #80
+ bcs rdrow_end
+ jmp rdrow_st
+ jsl update_pos
+ jmp rdrow_inc1
+ lda #0
+ sta scr_col
+ jsl update_pos
+ rtl
+; lda #$C
+; sta $C001
+; lda scr_col
+; sta scr_tcol
+; lda scr_row
+; sta scr_trow
+; lda #0
+; sta scr_col
+; sta scr_row
+; phy #2
+; jsl update_pos
+; ply #2
+; ldx scr_ptr
+; phy #2
+; txy
+; lda (ptr), y
+; sta $C001
+; ply #2
+; rtl
phy #2
@@ -461,9 +840,9 @@ dabbed:
lda (cptr), y ; Get a character from the input buffer.
beq dab_pend ; Are we done with printing the buffer?
cmp (tptr), y
- bcs dab_pend
- beq chk_str
bcc dab_pend
+ beq chk_str
+ bcs dab_pend
ply #2
@@ -517,6 +896,5 @@ cmd_clr:
.qword spin
.qword spin
.qword spin $FF50