#include "sux.h" #include #if getclk uint64_t clk[THREADS]; /* Per Thread Clock cycles. */ uint64_t tclk; /* Total Clock cycles. */ #endif const uint16_t tv = 0xFF50; /* Starting address of the Thread Vectors. */ #if !IO uint64_t inst[THREADS]; #endif #if bench uint64_t inss; #endif #if debug uint8_t subdbg; #endif pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_mutex_t main_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; pthread_cond_t main_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; uint8_t threads_done = 0; uint8_t step = 0; uint8_t *addr; uint8_t kbd_rdy; uint8_t end = 0; WINDOW *scr; struct suxthr { struct sux sx; uint8_t th; }; #if bench double ipc; struct timeval str[THREADS], en[THREADS]; #endif inline uint8_t get_addrsize(uint8_t prefix, uint8_t addrmode) { uint8_t id = (prefix & 0x0C) >> 2; switch (addrmode) { case ZM: switch (id) { case 2: return 5; case 3: return 3; case 1: return 2; case 0: return 0; } break; case ABS: switch (id) { case 3: return 7; case 2: return 6; case 1: return 4; case 0: return 1; } break; } return 0; } void *run(void *args) { struct suxthr *thr = (void *)args; struct sux *cpu = &thr->sx; uint8_t thread = thr->th; uint8_t prefix = 0; uint8_t opcode = 0; union reg address; union reg value; #if getclk uint64_t iclk = 0; #endif #if !IO uint64_t ins = 0; #endif #if !bench uint8_t lines = (6*thread)+2; #endif #if debug && !bench if (!subdbg) { addr[STEP_ADDR] = 1; step = 1; } #if keypoll pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); #endif werase(scr); #if keypoll pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); #endif #endif uint64_t tmpaddr = 0; #if bench gettimeofday(&str[thread], 0); #endif for (;;) { address.u64 = 0; value.u64 = 0; #if debug && !bench if (lines > 24*(thread+1)) { lines = (24*thread)+2; } #if keypoll pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); #endif for (uint8_t i = (24*thread)+2; i <= 24*(thread+1); i++) { wmove(scr, i, 0); waddch(scr, (i == lines) ? '>' : ' '); } wmove(scr, lines, 1); wclrtoeol(scr); wprintw(scr, "pc: $%04"PRIX64 , cpu->pc); wprintw(scr, ", a: $%016"PRIX64, cpu->a); wprintw(scr, ", b: $%016"PRIX64, cpu->b); wprintw(scr, ", x: $%016"PRIX64, cpu->x); wprintw(scr, ", y: $%016"PRIX64, cpu->y); wprintw(scr, ", sp: $%04X", cpu->sp); wprintw(scr, ", ps: $%02X", cpu->ps.u8[thread]); wprintw(scr, ", inst: "); #if keypoll pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); #endif #endif prefix = addr[cpu->pc]; if ((prefix & 0x03) != 0x03) { prefix = 0; } cpu->pc += ((prefix & 0x03) == 0x03); opcode = addr[cpu->pc]; address.u64 = cpu->pc; ++cpu->pc; #if getclk ++iclk; #endif if (optype[opcode] != IMPL) { address.u64 = get_addr(cpu, &tmpaddr, opcode, prefix, thread); if (address.u64 > mem_size-1) { addr[STEP_ADDR] = 1; step = 1; } setreg_sw(value.u8, 0, addr, address.u64, prefix, 0, RS); if (optype[opcode] == REL) { switch ((prefix >> 4) & 3) { default: address.u64 = cpu->pc + (int8_t )value.u8[0] ; break; case 1 : address.u64 = cpu->pc + (int16_t)value.u16[0]; break; case 2 : address.u64 = cpu->pc + (int32_t)value.u32[0]; break; case 3 : address.u64 = cpu->pc + (int64_t)value.u64 ; break; } } #if getclk ++iclk; #endif } #if debug && !bench #if keypoll pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); #endif uint64_t operands[3]; operands[0] = value.u64; operands[1] = address.u64; operands[2] = tmpaddr; disasm(cpu, operands, lines, opcode, prefix, thread); lines+=1; #if keypoll pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); #endif #endif uint8_t size = (1 << ((prefix >> 4) & 3))-1; switch(opcode) { case CPS_IMP: /* Clear Processor Status. */ cpu->ps.u64 = 0; break; case ADC_B: /* ADC B register. */ value.u64 = cpu->b; /* Falls Through. */ case ADC_IMM: /* ADC Immediate. */ case ADC_AB: /* ADC Absolute. */ case ADC_Z: /* ADC Zero Matrix. */ adc(cpu, value.u64, thread); break; case PHP_IMP: push(cpu, cpu->ps.u8[thread], 0, thread); break; /* PusH Processor status to stack. */ case PHA_IMP: push(cpu, cpu->a , size, thread); break; /* PusH Accumulator to stack. */ case PHB_IMP: push(cpu, cpu->b , size, thread); break; /* PusH B register to stack. */ case PHY_IMP: push(cpu, cpu->y , size, thread); break; /* PusH Y register to stack. */ case PHX_IMP: push(cpu, cpu->x , size, thread); break; /* PusH X register to stack. */ case TAY_IMP: /* Transfer Accumulator to Y. */ case TAX_IMP: /* Transfer Accumulator to Y. */ case TYX_IMP: /* Transfer Y to X. */ case TYA_IMP: /* Transfer Y to Accumulator. */ case TXA_IMP: /* Transfer X to Accumulator. */ case TXY_IMP: /* Transfer X to Y. */ case TAB_IMP: /* Transfer Accumulator to B. */ case TSX_IMP: /* Transfer Stack pointer to X. */ case TBA_IMP: /* Transfer B to Accumulator. */ case TXS_IMM: /* Transfer X to Stack pointer. */ transfer(cpu, value.u64, opcode, prefix, thread); break; case BRA_REL: /* BRA Relative. */ case JMP_AB: /* JMP Absolute. */ case JMP_Z: /* JMP Zero Matrix. */ case JMP_IN: /* JMP Indirect. */ cpu->pc = address.u64; break; case SBC_B: /* SBC B register. */ value.u64 = cpu->b; /* Falls Through. */ case SBC_IMM: /* SBC Immediate. */ case SBC_AB: /* SBC Absolute. */ case SBC_Z: /* SBC Zero Matrix. */ sbc(cpu, value.u64, thread); break; case PLP_IMP: cpu->ps.u8[thread] = pull(cpu, 0, thread); break; /* PuLl Processor status from stack. */ case PLA_IMP: cpu->a = pull(cpu, size, thread); break; /* PuLl Accumulator from stack. */ case PLB_IMP: cpu->b = pull(cpu, size, thread); break; /* PuLl B register from stack. */ case PLY_IMP: cpu->y = pull(cpu, size, thread); break; /* PuLl Y register from stack. */ case PLX_IMP: cpu->x = pull(cpu, size, thread); break; /* PuLl X register from stack. */ break; case AND_B: /* AND B register. */ value.u64 = cpu->b; /* Falls Through. */ case AND_IMM: /* AND Immediate. */ case AND_AB: /* AND Absolute. */ case AND_Z: /* AND Zero Matrix. */ and(cpu, value.u64, thread); break; case BPO_REL: /* BPO Relative. */ if (!getflag(N)) { cpu->pc = address.u64; } break; case ORA_B: /* ORA B register. */ value.u64 = cpu->b; /* Falls Through. */ case ORA_IMM: /* ORA Immediate. */ case ORA_AB: /* ORA Absolute. */ case ORA_Z: /* ORA Zero Matrix. */ or(cpu, value.u64, thread); break; case SEI_IMP: /* SEt Interrupt. */ setflag(1, I); break; case BNG_REL: /* BNG Relative. */ if (getflag(N)) { cpu->pc = address.u64; } break; case XOR_B: /* XOR B register. */ value.u64 = cpu->b; /* Falls Through. */ case XOR_IMM: /* XOR Immediate. */ case XOR_AB: /* XOR Absolute. */ case XOR_Z: /* XOR Zero Matrix. */ xor(cpu, value.u64, thread); break; case CLI_IMP: /* CLear Interrupt. */ setflag(0, I); break; case BCS_REL: /* BCS Relative. */ if (getflag(C)) { cpu->pc = address.u64; } break; case LSL_B: /* LSL B register. */ value.u64 = cpu->b; /* Falls Through. */ case LSL_IMM: /* LSL Immediate. */ case LSL_AB: /* LSL Absolute. */ case LSL_Z: /* LSL Zero Matrix. */ lsl(cpu, value.u64, thread); break; case SEC_IMP: /* SEt Carry flag.*/ setflag(1, C); break; case STA_AB: /* STA Absolute. */ case STA_Z: /* STA Zero Matrix. */ case STA_ZX: /* STA Zero Matrix, Indexed with X. */ case STA_ZY: /* STA Zero Matrix, Indexed with Y. */ case STA_IN: /* STA Indirect. */ case STA_IX: /* STA Indexed Indirect. */ case STA_IY: /* STA Indirect Indexed. */ store(cpu, address.u64, cpu->a, prefix, thread); break; case STY_AB: /* STY Absolute. */ case STY_Z: /* STY Zero Matrix. */ case STY_IN: /* STY Indirect. */ store(cpu, address.u64, cpu->y, prefix, thread); break; case STX_AB: /* STX Absolute. */ case STX_Z: /* STX Zero Matrix. */ case STX_IN: /* STX Indirect. */ store(cpu, address.u64, cpu->x, prefix, thread); break; case STB_AB: /* STB Absolute. */ case STB_Z: /* STB Zero Matrix. */ case STB_ZX: /* STB Zero Matrix, Indexed with X. */ case STB_ZY: /* STB Zero Matrix, Indexed with Y. */ case STB_IN: /* STB Indirect. */ case STB_IX: /* STB Indexed Indirect. */ case STB_IY: /* STB Indirect Indexed. */ store(cpu, address.u64, cpu->b, prefix, thread); break; case BCC_REL: /* BCC Relative. */ if (!getflag(C)) { cpu->pc = address.u64; } break; case LSR_B: /* LSR B register. */ value.u64 = cpu->b; /* Falls Through. */ case LSR_IMM: /* LSR Immediate. */ case LSR_AB: /* LSR Absolute. */ case LSR_Z: /* LSR Zero Matrix. */ lsr(cpu, value.u64, thread); break; case ASR_B: /* ASR B register. */ value.u64 = cpu->b; /* Falls Through. */ case ASR_IMM: /* ASR Immediate. */ case ASR_AB: /* ASR Absolute. */ case ASR_Z: /* ASR Zero Matrix. */ asr(cpu, value.u64, thread); break; case CLC_IMP: /* CLear Carry flag. */ setflag(0, C); break; case LDB_IMM: /* LDB Immediate. */ case LDB_AB: /* LDB Absolute. */ case LDB_Z: /* LDB Zero Matrix. */ case LDB_ZX: /* LDB Zero Matrix, Indexed with X. */ case LDB_ZY: /* LDB Zero Matrix, Indexed with Y. */ case LDB_IN: /* LDB Indirect. */ case LDB_IX: /* LDB Indexed Indirect. */ case LDB_IY: /* LDB Indirect Indexed. */ cpu->b = load(cpu, address.u64, cpu->b, prefix, thread); break; case LDA_IMM: /* LDA Immediate. */ case LDA_AB: /* LDA Absolute. */ case LDA_Z: /* LDA Zero Matrix. */ case LDA_ZX: /* LDA Zero Matrix, Indexed with X. */ case LDA_ZY: /* LDA Zero Matrix, Indexed with Y. */ case LDA_IN: /* LDA Indirect. */ case LDA_IX: /* LDA Indexed Indirect. */ case LDA_IY: /* LDA Indirect Indexed. */ cpu->a = load(cpu, address.u64, cpu->a, prefix, thread); break; case LDY_IMM: /* LDY Immediate. */ case LDY_AB: /* LDY Absolute. */ case LDY_Z: /* LDY Zero Matrix. */ case LDY_IN: /* LDY Indirect. */ cpu->y = load(cpu, address.u64, cpu->y, prefix, thread); break; case LDX_IMM: /* LDX Immediate. */ case LDX_AB: /* LDX Absolute. */ case LDX_Z: /* LDX Zero Matrix. */ case LDX_IN: /* LDX Indirect. */ cpu->x = load(cpu, address.u64, cpu->x, prefix, thread); break; case BEQ_REL: /* BEQ Relative. */ if (getflag(Z)) { cpu->pc = address.u64; } break; case ROL_B: /* ROL B register. */ value.u64 = cpu->b; /* Falls Through. */ case ROL_IMM: /* ROL Immediate. */ case ROL_AB: /* ROL Absolute. */ case ROL_Z: /* ROL Zero Matrix. */ rol(cpu, value.u64, thread); break; case BNE_REL: /* BNE Relative. */ if (!getflag(Z)) { cpu->pc = address.u64; } break; case ROR_B: /* ROR B register. */ value.u64 = cpu->b; /* Falls Through. */ case ROR_IMM: /* ROR Immediate. */ case ROR_AB: /* ROR Absolute. */ case ROR_Z: /* ROR Zero Matrix. */ ror(cpu, value.u64, thread); break; case BVS_REL: /* BVS Relative. */ if (getflag(V)) { cpu->pc = address.u64; } break; case MUL_B: /* MUL B register. */ value.u64 = cpu->b; /* Falls Through. */ case MUL_IMM: /* MUL Immediate. */ case MUL_AB: /* MUL Absolute. */ case MUL_Z: /* MUL Zero Matrix. */ mul(cpu, value.u64, thread); break; case BVC_REL: /* BVC Relative. */ if (!getflag(V)) { cpu->pc = address.u64; } break; case DIV_IMM: /* DIV Immediate. */ case DIV_B: /* DIV B register. */ case DIV_AB: /* DIV Absolute. */ case DIV_Z: /* DIV Zero Matrix. */ divd(cpu, value.u64, opcode, thread); break; case CLV_IMP: /* CLear oVerflow flag. */ setflag(0, V); break; case CPB_IMM: /* CPB Immediate. */ case CPB_AB: /* CPB Absolute. */ case CPB_Z: /* CPB Zero Matrix. */ case CPB_IN: /* CPB Indirect. */ case CPB_IX: /* CPB Indexed Indirect. */ case CPB_IY: /* CPB Indirect Indexed. */ cmp(cpu, value.u64, cpu->b, thread); break; case CMP_B: /* CMP B register. */ value.u64 = cpu->b; /* Falls Through. */ case CMP_IMM: /* CMP Immediate. */ case CMP_AB: /* CMP Absolute. */ case CMP_Z: /* CMP Zero Matrix. */ case CMP_IN: /* CMP Indirect. */ case CMP_IX: /* CMP Indexed Indirect. */ case CMP_IY: /* CMP Indirect Indexed. */ cmp(cpu, value.u64, cpu->a, thread); break; case CPY_IMM: /* CPY Immediate. */ case CPY_AB: /* CPY Absolute. */ case CPY_Z: /* CPY Zero Matrix. */ cmp(cpu, value.u64, cpu->y, thread); break; case CPX_IMM: /* CPX Immediate. */ case CPX_AB: /* CPX Absolute. */ case CPX_Z: /* CPX Zero Matrix. */ cmp(cpu, value.u64, cpu->x, thread); break; case INC_IMP: cpu->a = idr(cpu, cpu->a, 1, thread); break; case INB_IMP: cpu->b = idr(cpu, cpu->b, 1, thread); break; case INY_IMP: cpu->y = idr(cpu, cpu->y, 1, thread); break; case INX_IMP: cpu->x = idr(cpu, cpu->x, 1, thread); break; case DEC_IMP: cpu->a = idr(cpu, cpu->a, 0, thread); break; case DEB_IMP: cpu->b = idr(cpu, cpu->b, 0, thread); break; case DEY_IMP: cpu->y = idr(cpu, cpu->y, 0, thread); break; case DEX_IMP: cpu->x = idr(cpu, cpu->x, 0, thread); break; case JSR_IN: /* JSR Indirect. */ case JSR_AB: /* Jump to SubRoutine. */ case JSR_Z: /* JSR Zero Matrix. */ push(cpu, cpu->pc, 7, thread); cpu->pc = address.u64; break; case INC_AB: /* INC Absolute. */ case INC_Z: /* INC Zero Matrix. */ idm(cpu, address.u64, prefix, 1, thread); break; case NOP_IMP: /* No OPeration. */ break; case RTI_IMP: /* ReTurn from Interrupt routine. */ cpu->ps.u64 = pull(cpu, 0, thread); case RTS_IMP: /* ReTurn from Subroutine. */ cpu->pc = pull(cpu, 7, thread); break; case DEC_AB: /* DEC Absolute. */ case DEC_Z: /* DEC Zero Matrix. */ idm(cpu, address.u64, prefix, 0, thread); break; case BRK_IMP: /* BReaK. */ case WAI_IMP: /* WAit for Interrupt. */ if (opcode == WAI_IMP) { pthread_mutex_lock(&main_mutex); pthread_cond_signal(&main_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&main_mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } push(cpu, cpu->pc, 7, thread); push(cpu, cpu->ps.u8[thread], 0, thread); setflag(1, I); setreg(value.u8, +, 0, addr, +, (opcode == BRK) ? 0xFFE0 : 0xFFA0, 7); if (opcode == WAI_IMP) { kbd_rdy &= (uint8_t)~(1 << thread); } cpu->pc = value.u64; default: break; } #if !IO ins++; #endif #if !bench if (end) { pthread_mutex_lock(&main_mutex); pthread_cond_signal(&main_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&main_mutex); return NULL; } if (step) { int c = 0;; for (; step && c != 19 && !end; c = get_key(scr)); #if debug wrefresh(scr); #endif } #endif #if debug && !bench #if keypoll pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); #endif wmove(scr, (6*thread)+1, 0); wprintw(scr, "Instructions executed: %"PRIu64, ins); #if getclk wprintw(scr, ", Clock cycles: %"PRIu64, iclk); #endif if (step && !subdbg) { wrefresh(scr); } #if keypoll pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); #endif #elif bench if (ins >= BENCH_INST) { pthread_mutex_lock(&main_mutex); threads_done++; inst[thread] = ins; #if getclk clk[thread] = iclk; #endif pthread_cond_signal(&main_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&main_mutex); gettimeofday(&en[thread], 0); break; } #endif } return NULL; } void init_scr() { if (!scr) { scr = initscr(); } nodelay(scr, 0); keypad(scr, 1); crmode(); noecho(); nl(); curs_set(1); scrollok(scr, 1); start_color(); use_default_colors(); init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, -1); attron(COLOR_PAIR(1) | A_BOLD); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct suxthr thr[THREADS]; char *tmp = malloc(2048); addr = malloc(mem_size); #if bench inss = 0; #endif int v = 0; if (argc != 2) { if (asmmon("stdin") == 2) { return 0; } } else { #if debug subdbg = !strcmp(argv[1], "programs/sub-suite/subsuite.s"); #endif if (asmmon(argv[1]) == 2) { return 0; } } sprintf(tmp, "\033[2J\033[H"); fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), stdout); fflush(stdout); init_scr(); werase(scr); wmove(scr, 0, 0); wrefresh(scr); pthread_t therads[THREADS]; int result; uint16_t vec = 0xFFC0; uint8_t offset; for (int i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { thr[i].sx.sp = 0xFFFF; thr[i].sx.stk_st = i+1; offset = (i) ? ((i-1) << 3) : 0; vec = (i) ? 0xFF50 : 0xFFC0; thr[i].sx.a = 0; thr[i].sx.b = 0; thr[i].sx.x = 0; thr[i].sx.y = 0; thr[i].sx.pc = (uint64_t)addr[vec+0+offset] | (uint64_t)addr[vec+1+offset] << 8 | (uint64_t)addr[vec+2+offset] << 16 | (uint64_t)addr[vec+3+offset] << 24 | (uint64_t)addr[vec+4+offset] << 32 | (uint64_t)addr[vec+5+offset] << 40 | (uint64_t)addr[vec+6+offset] << 48 | (uint64_t)addr[vec+7+offset] << 56; thr[i].th = i; #if !IO inst[i] = 0; #endif result = pthread_create(&therads[i], NULL, run, &thr[i]); assert(!result); } werase(scr); while (threads_done < THREADS && !end) { #if !bench pthread_mutex_lock(&main_mutex); pthread_cond_wait(&main_cond, &main_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&main_mutex); /*#if keypoll pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); #endif #if keypoll pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); #endif*/ #else pthread_mutex_lock(&main_mutex); pthread_cond_wait(&main_cond, &main_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&main_mutex); #endif } endwin(); #if bench if (threads_done == THREADS) { double tm_sec, tm_usec, tm[THREADS], ttm; #if getclk double clkspd; double mhz; #endif double ips[THREADS]; double ipst; for (int i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { tm_sec = (en[i].tv_sec - str[i].tv_sec); tm_usec = (en[i].tv_usec-str[i].tv_usec); tm[i] = (tm_sec*1000000)+(tm_usec); ips[i] = inst[i]/tm[i]; if (i) { inss += inst[i]; ttm += tm[i]; ipst += ips[i]; #if getclk tclk += clk[i]; #endif } else { inss = inst[i]; ttm = tm[i]; ipst = ips[i]; #if getclk tclk = clk[i]; #endif } #if getclk clkspd = (tm[i]/1000000)*1000000/clk[i]; mhz = 1000000.0/clkspd/1000000; #endif sprintf(tmp, "Instructions executed for thread %i: %"PRIu64", Instructions per Second for thread %i in MIPS: %f, tm: %f\n", i, inst[i], i, ips[i], tm[i]/1000000); fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), stdout); } sprintf(tmp, "Total Instructions executed: %"PRIu64", Total Instructions per Second in MIPS: %f", inss, ipst); fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), stdout); #if getclk clkspd = (ttm/1000000)*1000000/tclk; mhz = 1000000.0/clkspd/1000000; sprintf(tmp, ", Clock cycles: %"PRIu64", Clock Speed in MHz: %f", tclk, mhz); fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), stdout); #endif sprintf(tmp, ", tm: %f\n", ttm/1000000); fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), stdout); fflush(stdout); free(tmp); } #endif free(addr); return 0; }