; Name: fib.s ; Description: Computes the Fibbonacci sequence. ; ; Written in Sux Assembly ; by mr b0nk 500 ; Variables for thread 0. .org $0 x: .byte $0 y: .byte $0 z: .byte $0 ; Variables for thread 1. x2: .byte $0 y2: .byte $0 z2: .byte $0 .org $1000 init: cps ; Clear the Processor Status register. start: lda #$0 ; Clear the accumulator. ldy #$1 ; y=1. sty y ; Store y into memory. fib: ldx #$0 ; x=0. ldx x ; Output the value of x. adc y ; Add x with y. sta z ; z=x+y ldy y sty x ; x=y. sta y ; y=z. lda x bcs start ; Start all over again, if the carry flag was set. jmp fib ; Otherwise, keep looping. .org $2000 init2: cps ; Clear the Processor Status register. start2: lda #$0 ; Clear the accumulator. ldy #$1 ; y2=1. sty y2 ; Store y into memory. fib2: ldx #$0 ; x2=0. ldx x2 ; Output the value of x2. adc y2 ; Add x2 with y2. sta z2 ; z2=x2+y2 ldy y2 sty x2 ; x2=y2. sta y2 ; y2=z2. lda x2 bcs start2 ; Start all over again, if the carry flag was set. jmp fib2 ; Otherwise, keep looping. .org $FFC0 .qword init ; Set up the thread vectors. .org $FF50 .qword init2 ; Execute the program. done