; Find the end of RAM, and get the size of the RAM. ; Written by mr b0nk 500 . RAMSTART = $20000 MAGIC = $AA .org 0 ; End of RAM. ptr1: .res 8 .org $8000 reset: cps ; Boilerplate reset code. ldx.w #$FFFF ; txs ; and #0 ; Reset A. tax ; start: lda.d #RAMSTART ; Set the starting point of getramsize to the start of our RAM. jsr getramsize ; Get the size of the RAM. bra start ; getramsize: sta.q ptr1 ; Set the end of RAM pointer to the argument. and #0 ; Reset A. tab ; Reset B. lda #MAGIC ; Set A to a magic number. @loop: sta (ptr1) ; Write the magic number to the current end of RAM. cmp (ptr1) ; Is the value in RAM, the same as the magic number we wrote? bne @end ; No, so we're done. inc.q ptr1 ; Yes, so increment the end of RAM pointer. inb ; Increment the byte count. bra @loop ; Keep looping. @end: inc $0110 ; rts ; End of getramsize. .org $FFC0 .qword reset a d