; Register only version of popcnt. .org $1000 popcnt: ldy #0 ; Reset bit count. cmp #0 ; Set the status flags. @loop: beq @end ; There are no more one bits left, so we're done. tab ; Place the value in the B register. deb ; Decrement the temp value by one. iny ; Increment the bit count. and b ; AND value with value-1. bra @loop ; Keep looping. @end: tya ; Return the bit count. rts ; End of popcnt. reset: cps ; Boilerplate reset code. ldx.w #$FFFF ; txs ; and #0 ; Reset A. tab ; Reset B. tax ; Reset X. tay ; Reset Y. main: pha.q ; Save A. jsr popcnt ; Get population count. tay ; Save it in Y. pla.q ; Get A back. inc ; Increment A by one. bra main ; Keep looping. .org $FFC0 .qword reset a d