.org 0 scr_ptr: .res 2 ptr: .res 8 ptr2: .res 8 .org $2000 buf: .res $2000 .org $8000 reset: cps ; Reset the processor status register. ldx.w #$FFFF ; Reset the stack pointer. txs ; @bench: tay ; Reset Y. lda.w #$1FFF ; Set the clear count to $1FFF. sta.w scr_ptr ; lda.d #buf ; Set the array to be cleared to the screen buffer. jsr clr_arr ; Clear the screen buffer. bra @bench clr_arr: phb ; Preserve whatever was in B. ldb #0 ; Clear B. sta.q ptr ; adc #8 ; Set the second pointer to the parameter, plus eight. sta.q ptr2 ; tba ; @loop: cpy.w scr_ptr ; Did we clear all of the array? bcs @end ; Yes, so we're done. sta.q (ptr), y ; No, so clear eight bytes. sta.q (ptr2), y ; Clear eight more bytes. tya ; Copy the array index. adc #$10 ; Increment the index by 16. tay ; Update the index. tba ; Reset the Accumulator. sta.q (ptr), y ; Do this one more time, to clear 32 bytes. sta.q (ptr2), y ; tya ; adc #$10 ; tay ; tba ; bra @loop ; Keep looping. @end: tay ; Reset A. plb ; Get whatever was in the B register, back. rts ; End of clr_arr. ;.org $C010 ;.byte $1 .org $FFC0 .qword reset a d