path: root/lexer/backup/enums.h
diff options
authormrb0nk500 <>2020-12-04 15:20:28 -0500
committermrb0nk500 <>2020-12-04 15:20:28 -0500
commit96393257a43ac52f2b911594d106741245dec5f0 (patch)
tree6b9d11c50ed3cd1920444c4dd0ee4027814ef4bd /lexer/backup/enums.h
parent83ce1151ee1f06ae6b1c5c1018cc2489494e5ea4 (diff)
- Started work on writing the new version of the
assembler. - Did alot of stuff in the emulator. - Did alot of stuff in the SuB Suite.
Diffstat (limited to 'lexer/backup/enums.h')
1 files changed, 540 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lexer/backup/enums.h b/lexer/backup/enums.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07338ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lexer/backup/enums.h
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+enum am {
+ /* Part of Base ISA. */
+ IMM, /* Immediate Data. */
+ ZM, /* Zero Matrix. */
+ ZMX, /* Zero Matrix, indexed with X. */
+ ZMY, /* Zero Matrix, indexed with Y. */
+ IND, /* Indirect. */
+ INDX, /* Indexed Indirect. */
+ INDY, /* Indirect Indexed. */
+ ABS, /* Absolute. */
+ REL, /* Relative to Program Counter. */
+ BREG, /* B Register. */
+ IMPL, /* Implied. */
+ /* Part of Base Extension. */
+ ABSX, /* Absolute, Indexed with X. */
+ ABSY, /* Absolute, Indexed with Y. */
+ AIND, /* Absolute Indirect. */
+ AINDX, /* Absolute Indexed Indirect. */
+ AINDY, /* Absolute Indirect Indexed. */
+ EIND, /* Effective Address Register, Indirect. */
+/* Part of the Orthogonal Extension. */
+enum ortho_reg {
+ REG_A,
+ REG_B,
+ REG_X,
+ REG_Y,
+ REG_E,
+ REG_C,
+ REG_D,
+ REG_S,
+ REG_F,
+ REG_R11,
+ REG_R12,
+ REG_R13,
+ REG_R14,
+ REG_R15,
+enum ortho_mem {
+ MEM_ABS, /* Absolute. */
+ MEM_ZM, /* Zero Matrix. */
+ MEM_ABSR, /* Absolute, Indexed with register. */
+ MEM_ZMR, /* Zero Matrix, Indexed with register. */
+ MEM_ZINDR, /* Zero Matrix, Indirect Indexed Register. */
+ MEM_ZRIND, /* Zero Matrix, Indexed Indirect Register. */
+ MEM_AINDR, /* Absolute, Indirect Indexed Register. */
+ MEM_ARIND, /* Absolute, Indexed Indirect Register. */
+ MEM_RIND, /* Register Indirect. */
+ MEM_SIB, /* Scale Index Base. */
+enum mne {
+ ADC,
+ AND,
+ ASR,
+ BCC,
+ BCS,
+ BEQ,
+ BNE,
+ BNG,
+ BPO,
+ BRA,
+ BRK,
+ BVC,
+ BVS,
+ CLC,
+ CLI,
+ CLV,
+ CMP,
+ CPB,
+ CPS,
+ CPX,
+ CPY,
+ DEB,
+ DEC,
+ DEX,
+ DEY,
+ DIV,
+ INB,
+ INC,
+ INX,
+ INY,
+ JMP,
+ JSR,
+ LDA,
+ LDB,
+ LDX,
+ LDY,
+ LSL,
+ LSR,
+ MUL,
+ NOP,
+ ORA,
+ PHA,
+ PHB,
+ PHP,
+ PHX,
+ PHY,
+ PLA,
+ PLB,
+ PLP,
+ PLX,
+ PLY,
+ ROL,
+ ROR,
+ RTI,
+ RTS,
+ SBC,
+ SEC,
+ SEI,
+ STA,
+ STB,
+ STX,
+ STY,
+ TAB,
+ TAX,
+ TAY,
+ TBA,
+ TSX,
+ TXA,
+ TXS,
+ TXY,
+ TYA,
+ TYX,
+ WAI,
+enum ext_mne {
+ LEA,
+ PEA,
+ ADD,
+ SUB,
+ ADE,
+ SBE,
+ ADS,
+ SBS,
+ NOT,
+ LLM,
+ LRM,
+ RLM,
+ RRM,
+ ARM,
+ PHE,
+ PLE,
+ CPE,
+ ICE,
+ LDS,
+ DEE,
+ INE,
+ DES,
+ INS,
+ STS,
+ STE,
+ STZ,
+ SCO,
+ ECO,
+ CLZ,
+ CLO,
+ BIT,
+ MMV,
+ SWP,
+ PCN,
+ REP,
+ REQ,
+ RNE,
+ LNG,
+ LPO,
+ LCS,
+ LCC,
+ LEQ,
+ LNE,
+ SNG,
+ SPO,
+ SCS,
+ SCC,
+ SEQ,
+enum ortho_mne {
+ MNG,
+ MPO,
+ MCS,
+ MCC,
+ MEQ,
+ MNE,
+ MVS,
+ MVC,
+ OR ,
+ MOV,
+ IML,
+ IDV,
+ PSH,
+ PUL,
+ NEG,
+enum base_isa {
+ CPS_IMP = 0x00, /* Clear Processor Status. */
+ ADC_IMM = 0x01, /* ADd with Carry. */
+ ROR_IMM = 0x02, /* ROtate Right. */
+ CPB_IMM = 0x04, /* ComPare B register. */
+ ADC_Z = 0x05, /* ADC Zero Matrix. */
+ ROR_Z = 0x06, /* ROR Zero Matrix. */
+ CPB_Z = 0x08, /* CPB Zero Matrix. */
+ CLC_IMP = 0x09, /* CLear Carry flag. */
+ TAB_IMP = 0x0A, /* Transfer Accumulator to B. */
+ STY_Z = 0x0C, /* STore Y register. */
+ JMP_AB = 0x10, /* JMP Absolute. */
+ ADC_AB = 0x11, /* ADC Absolute. */
+ ROR_AB = 0x12, /* ROR Absolute. */
+ CPB_AB = 0x14, /* CPB Absolute. */
+ ADC_B = 0x15, /* ADC B Register. */
+ ROR_B = 0x16, /* ROR B Register. */
+ STY_AB = 0x18, /* STY Absolute. */
+ SEC_IMP = 0x19, /* SEt Carry flag. */
+ TBA_IMP = 0x1A, /* Transfer B to Accumulator. */
+ JMP_Z = 0x20, /* JuMP to memory location. */
+ SBC_IMM = 0x21, /* SuBtract with Carry. */
+ MUL_IMM = 0x22, /* MULtiply accumulator. */
+ CPX_IMM = 0x24, /* ComPare X register. */
+ SBC_Z = 0x25, /* SBC Zero Matrix. */
+ MUL_Z = 0x26, /* MUL Zero Matrix. */
+ CPX_Z = 0x28, /* CPX Zero Matrix. */
+ CLI_IMP = 0x29, /* CLear Interupt flag. */
+ TAY_IMP = 0x2A, /* Transfer Accumulator to Y. */
+ STA_Z = 0x2C, /* STore Accumulator. */
+ STA_ZX = 0x2E, /* STA Zero Marrix, Indexed with X. */
+ JSR_AB = 0x30, /* JSR Absolute. */
+ SBC_AB = 0x31, /* SBC Absolute. */
+ MUL_AB = 0x32, /* MUL Absolute. */
+ CPX_AB = 0x34, /* CPX Absolute. */
+ SBC_B = 0x35, /* SBC B Register. */
+ MUL_B = 0x36, /* MUL B Register. */
+ STA_AB = 0x38, /* STA Absolute. */
+ SEI_IMP = 0x39, /* SEt Interupt flag. */
+ TYA_IMP = 0x3A, /* Transfer Y to Accumulator. */
+ STA_ZY = 0x3C, /* STA Zero Marrix, Indexed with Y. */
+ STA_IX = 0x3E, /* STA Indexed Indirect. */
+ JSR_Z = 0x40, /* Jump to SubRoutine. */
+ AND_IMM = 0x41, /* bitwise AND with accumulator. */
+ DIV_IMM = 0x42, /* DIVide with accumulator. */
+ CPY_IMM = 0x44, /* ComPare Y register. */
+ AND_Z = 0x45, /* AND Zero Matrix. */
+ DIV_Z = 0x46, /* DIV Zero Matrix. */
+ CPY_Z = 0x48, /* CPY Zero Matrix. */
+ CLV_IMP = 0x49, /* CLear oVerflow flag. */
+ TAX_IMP = 0x4A, /* Transfer Accumulator to X. */
+ STB_Z = 0x4C, /* STore B register. */
+ STB_ZX = 0x4E, /* STB Zero Marrix, Indexed with X. */
+ RTS_IMP = 0x50, /* ReTurn from Subroutine. */
+ AND_AB = 0x51, /* AND Absolute. */
+ DIV_AB = 0x52, /* DIV Absolute. */
+ CPY_AB = 0x54, /* CPY Absolute. */
+ AND_B = 0x55, /* AND B Register. */
+ DIV_B = 0x56, /* DIV B Register. */
+ STB_AB = 0x58, /* STB Absolute. */
+ WAI_IMP = 0x59, /* WAit for Interrupt. */
+ TXA_IMP = 0x5A, /* Transfer X to Accumulator. */
+ STB_ZY = 0x5C, /* STB Zero Marrix, Indexed with Y. */
+ STB_IX = 0x5E, /* STB Indexed Indirect. */
+ RTI_IMP = 0x60, /* ReTurn from Interrupt. */
+ ORA_IMM = 0x61, /* bitwise OR with Accumulator. */
+ ASR_IMM = 0x62, /* Arithmetic Shift Right. */
+ LDX_IMM = 0x64, /* LoaD X register. */
+ ORA_Z = 0x65, /* ORA Zero Matrix. */
+ ASR_Z = 0x66, /* ASR Zero Matrix. */
+ LDX_Z = 0x68, /* LDX Zero Matrix. */
+ BRK_IMP = 0x69, /* BReaK. */
+ TYX_IMP = 0x6A, /* Transfer Y to X. */
+ STX_Z = 0x6C, /* STore X register. */
+ PHP_IMP = 0x6E, /* PusH Processor status to stack. */
+ BPO_REL = 0x70, /* Branch if POsitive. */
+ ORA_AB = 0x71, /* ORA Absolute. */
+ ASR_AB = 0x72, /* ASR Absolute. */
+ LDX_AB = 0x74, /* LDX Absolute. */
+ ORA_B = 0x75, /* ORA B Register. */
+ ASR_B = 0x76, /* ASR B Register. */
+ STX_AB = 0x78, /* STX Absolute. */
+ DEY_IMP = 0x79, /* DEcrement Y register. */
+ TXY_IMP = 0x7A, /* Transfer X to Y. */
+ CPB_IN = 0x7C, /* CPB Indirect */
+ PLP_IMP = 0x7E, /* PuLl Processor status from stack. */
+ BNG_REL = 0x80, /* Branch if NeGative. */
+ XOR_IMM = 0x81, /* bitwise XOR with accumulator. */
+ CMP_IMM = 0x82, /* CoMPare accumulator. */
+ DEC_IMP = 0x84, /* DECrement accumulator. */
+ XOR_Z = 0x85, /* XOR Zero Matrix. */
+ CMP_Z = 0x86, /* CMP Zero Matrix. */
+ DEC_Z = 0x88, /* DEC Zero Matrix. */
+ INY_IMP = 0x89, /* INcrement Y register. */
+ TSX_IMP = 0x8A, /* Transfer Stack pointer to X. */
+ CMP_IN = 0x8C, /* CMP Indirect */
+ PHA_IMP = 0x8E, /* PusH Accumulator to stack. */
+ BCS_REL = 0x90, /* Branch if Carry Set. */
+ XOR_AB = 0x91, /* XOR Absolute. */
+ CMP_AB = 0x92, /* CMP Absolute. */
+ DEC_AB = 0x94, /* DEC Absolute. */
+ XOR_B = 0x95, /* XOR B Register. */
+ CMP_B = 0x96, /* CMP B Register. */
+ DEB_IMP = 0x99, /* Decrement B register. */
+ TXS_IMP = 0x9A, /* Transfer X to Stack pointer. */
+ STY_IN = 0x9C, /* STY Indirect */
+ PLA_IMP = 0x9E, /* PuLl Accumulator from stack. */
+ BCC_REL = 0xA0, /* Branch if Carry Clear. */
+ LSL_IMM = 0xA1, /* Logical Shift Left. */
+ LDY_IMM = 0xA2, /* LoaD Y register. */
+ INC_IMP = 0xA4, /* INCrement accumulator. */
+ LSL_Z = 0xA5, /* LSL Zero Matrix. */
+ LDY_Z = 0xA6, /* LDY Zero Matrix. */
+ INC_Z = 0xA8, /* INC Zero Matrix. */
+ INB_IMP = 0xA9, /* Increment B register. */
+ CMP_IX = 0xAA, /* CMP Indexed Indirect. */
+ LDY_IN = 0xAC, /* LDY Indirect */
+ PHB_IMP = 0xAE, /* PusH B register to stack. */
+ BEQ_REL = 0xB0, /* Branch if EQual. */
+ LSL_AB = 0xB1, /* LSL Absolute. */
+ LDY_AB = 0xB2, /* LDY Absolute. */
+ INC_AB = 0xB4, /* INC Absolute. */
+ LSL_B = 0xB5, /* LSL B Register. */
+ DEX_IMP = 0xB9, /* DEcrement X register. */
+ CPB_IX = 0xBA, /* CPB Indexed Indirect. */
+ LDX_IN = 0xBC, /* LDX Indirect */
+ PLB_IMP = 0xBE, /* PuLl B register to stack. */
+ BNE_REL = 0xC0, /* Branch if Not Equal. */
+ LSR_IMM = 0xC1, /* Logical Shift Right. */
+ LDA_IMM = 0xC2, /* LoaD Accumulator. */
+ LDA_IN = 0xC4, /* LDA Indirect */
+ LSR_Z = 0xC5, /* LSR Zero Matrix. */
+ LDA_Z = 0xC6, /* LDA Zero Matrix. */
+ LDA_ZX = 0xC8, /* LDA Zero Marrix, Indexed with X. */
+ INX_IMP = 0xC9, /* INcrement X register. */
+ STA_IY = 0xCA, /* STA Indirect Indexed. */
+ STX_IN = 0xCC, /* STX Indirect */
+ PHY_IMP = 0xCE, /* PusH Y register to stack. */
+ BVS_REL = 0xD0, /* Branch if oVerflow Set. */
+ LSR_AB = 0xD1, /* LSR Absolute. */
+ LDA_AB = 0xD2, /* LDA Absolute. */
+ STA_IN = 0xD4, /* STA Indirect */
+ LSR_B = 0xD5, /* LSR B Register. */
+ LDA_ZY = 0xD6, /* LDA Zero Marrix, Indexed with Y. */
+ LDA_IX = 0xD8, /* LDA Indexed Indirect. */
+ LDA_IY = 0xD9, /* LDA Indirect Indexed. */
+ STB_IY = 0xDA, /* STB Indirect Indexed. */
+ JSR_IN = 0xDC, /* JSR Indirect */
+ PLY_IMP = 0xDE, /* PuLl Y register from stack. */
+ BVC_REL = 0xE0, /* Branch if oVerflow Clear. */
+ ROL_IMM = 0xE1, /* ROtate Left. */
+ LDB_IMM = 0xE2, /* LoaD B register. */
+ LDB_IN = 0xE4, /* LDB Indirect */
+ ROL_Z = 0xE5, /* ROL Zero Matrix. */
+ LDB_Z = 0xE6, /* LDB Zero Matrix. */
+ LDB_ZX = 0xE8, /* LDB Zero Marrix, Indexed with X. */
+ LDB_IY = 0xE9, /* LDB Indirect Indexed. */
+ NOP_IMP = 0xEA, /* No OPeration. */
+ JMP_IN = 0xEC, /* JMP Indirect */
+ PHX_IMP = 0xEE, /* PusH X register to stack. */
+ BRA_REL = 0xF0, /* BRanch Always. */
+ ROL_AB = 0xF1, /* ROL Absolute. */
+ LDB_AB = 0xF2, /* LDB Absolute. */
+ STB_IN = 0xF4, /* STB Indirect */
+ ROL_B = 0xF5, /* ROL B Register. */
+ LDB_ZY = 0xF6, /* LDB Zero Marrix, Indexed with Y. */
+ LDB_IX = 0xF8, /* LDB Indexed Indirect. */
+ CMP_IY = 0xF9, /* CMP Indirect Indexed. */
+ CPB_IY = 0xFA, /* CPB Indirect Indexed. */
+ PLX_IMP = 0xFE /* PuLl X register from stack. */
+enum base_ext {
+ LEA_AY = 0x03, /* LEA Absolute, indexed with Y. */
+ ADD_IMM = 0x06, /* ADD without carry. */
+ LEA_Z = 0x07, /* Load Effective Address. */
+ CPE_IMM = 0x08, /* ComPare Effective address register. */
+ CLZ_Z = 0x09, /* Count Leading Zeros. */
+ ADD_Z = 0x0A, /* ADD Zero Matrix. */
+ STB_E = 0x0B, /* STB E Indirect. */
+ CPE_Z = 0x0C, /* CPE Zero Matrix. */
+ LNG_IMM = 0x0D, /* Load accumulator, if NeGative. */
+ LNG_E = 0x0E, /* LNG E Indirect. */
+ JMP_E = 0x10, /* JMP E Indirect. */
+ ADC_E = 0x11, /* ADC E Indirect. */
+ ROR_E = 0x12, /* ROR E Indirect. */
+ LEA_AB = 0x13, /* LEA Absolute. */
+ CLZ_AB = 0x15, /* CLZ Absolute. */
+ ADD_AB = 0x16, /* ADD Absolute. */
+ LEA_ZY = 0x17, /* LEA Zero Matrix, indexed with Y. */
+ CPE_AB = 0x18, /* CPE Absolute. */
+ CLZ_E = 0x19, /* CLZ E Indirect. */
+ ADD_E = 0x1A, /* ADD E Indirect. */
+ LDX_E = 0x1B, /* LDX E Indirect. */
+ SNG_E = 0x1E, /* Store accumulator, if NeGative. */
+ PEA_AY = 0x23, /* PEA Absolute, indexed with Y. */
+ SUB_IMM = 0x26, /* SUBtract without carry. */
+ PEA_Z = 0x27, /* Push Effective Address. */
+ CLO_Z = 0x29, /* Count Leading Ones. */
+ SUB_Z = 0x2A, /* SUB Zero Matrix. */
+ STX_E = 0x2B, /* STX E Indirect. */
+ ICE_Z = 0x2C, /* Interlocked Compare, and Exchange. */
+ LPO_IMM = 0x2D, /* Load accumulator, if POsitive. */
+ LPO_E = 0x2E, /* LPO E Indirect. */
+ JSR_E = 0x30, /* JSR E Indirect. */
+ SBC_E = 0x31, /* SBC E Indirect. */
+ MUL_E = 0x32, /* MUL E Indirect. */
+ PEA_AB = 0x33, /* PEA Absolute. */
+ CLO_AB = 0x34, /* CLO Absolute. */
+ SUB_AB = 0x35, /* SUB Absolute. */
+ PEA_ZY = 0x37, /* PEA Zero Matrix, indexed with Y. */
+ ICE_AB = 0x38, /* ICE Absolute. */
+ CLO_E = 0x39, /* CLO E Indirect. */
+ SUB_E = 0x3A, /* SUB E Indirect. */
+ CPB_E = 0x3B, /* CPB E Indirect. */
+ ICE_E = 0x3C, /* ICE E Indirect. */
+ SPO_E = 0x3E, /* Store accumulator, if POsitive. */
+ LDS_IMM = 0x40, /* LoaD Stack pointer. */
+ LEA_AI = 0x43, /* LEA Absolute Indirect. */
+ LDS_Z = 0x44, /* LDS Zero Matrix. */
+ ADE_IMM = 0x46, /* ADd Effective address register. */
+ LEA_IN = 0x47, /* LEA Indirect. */
+ BIT_Z = 0x49, /* BIt Test. */
+ ADE_Z = 0x4A, /* ADE Zero Matrix. */
+ CPX_E = 0x4B, /* CPX E Indirect. */
+ LLM_Z = 0x4C, /* Logical shift Left, on Memory. */
+ LCS_IMM = 0x4D, /* Load accumulator, if Carry Set. */
+ LCS_E = 0x4E, /* LCS E Indirect. */
+ LDS_AB = 0x50, /* LDS Absolute. */
+ AND_E = 0x51, /* AND E Indirect. */
+ DIV_E = 0x52, /* DIV E Indirect. */
+ LEA_AX = 0x53, /* LEA Absolute, indexed with X. */
+ LDS_E = 0x54, /* LDS E Indirect. */
+ BIT_AB = 0x55, /* BIT Absolute. */
+ ADE_AB = 0x56, /* ADE Absolute. */
+ LEA_ZX = 0x57, /* LEA Zero Matrix, indexed with X. */
+ LLM_AB = 0x58, /* LLM Absolute. */
+ BIT_E = 0x59, /* BIT E Indirect. */
+ CPY_E = 0x5B, /* CPY E Indirect. */
+ LLM_E = 0x5C, /* LLM E Indirect. */
+ SCS_E = 0x5E, /* Store accumulator, if Carry Set. */
+ SCO_IMM = 0x60, /* Start one, or more COre(s). */
+ PEA_AI = 0x63, /* PEA Absolute Indirect. */
+ SCO_Z = 0x64, /* SCO Zero Matrix. */
+ SBE_IMM = 0x66, /* SuBtract Effective address register. */
+ PEA_IN = 0x67, /* PEA Indirect. */
+ SBE_Z = 0x6A, /* SBE Zero Matrix. */
+ PHE_IMP = 0x6B, /* PusH Effective address register to stack. */
+ LRM_Z = 0x6C, /* Logical shift Right, on Memory. */
+ LCC_IMM = 0x6D, /* Load accumulator, if Carry Clear. */
+ LCC_E = 0x6E, /* LCC E Indirect. */
+ SCO_AB = 0x70, /* SCO Absolute. */
+ ORA_E = 0x71, /* ORA E Indirect. */
+ ASR_E = 0x72, /* ASR E Indirect. */
+ PEA_AX = 0x73, /* PEA Absolute, indexed with X. */
+ SCO_E = 0x74, /* SCO E Indirect. */
+ SBE_AB = 0x76, /* SBE Absolute. */
+ PEA_ZX = 0x77, /* PEA Zero Matrix, indexed with X. */
+ LRM_AB = 0x78, /* LRM Absolute. */
+ PLE_IMP = 0x7B, /* PuLl Effective address register from stack. */
+ LRM_E = 0x7C, /* LRM E Indirect. */
+ SCC_E = 0x7E, /* Store accumulator, if Carry Clear. */
+ ECO_IMM = 0x80, /* End one, or more COre(s). */
+ DEC_E = 0x82, /* DEC E Indirect. */
+ LEA_AIY = 0x83, /* LEA Absolute Indirect Indexed. */
+ ECO_Z = 0x84, /* ECO Zero Matrix. */
+ ADS_IMM = 0x86, /* ADd Stack pointer. */
+ LEA_IY = 0x87, /* LEA Indirect Indexed. */
+ ADS_Z = 0x8A, /* ADS Zero Matrix. */
+ DEE_IMP = 0x8B, /* DEcrement Effective address register. */
+ RLM_Z = 0x8C, /* Rotate Left, on Memory. */
+ LEQ_IMM = 0x8D, /* Load accumulator, if EQual. */
+ LEQ_E = 0x8E, /* LEQ E Indirect. */
+ ECO_AB = 0x90, /* ECO Absolute. */
+ XOR_E = 0x91, /* XOR E Indirect. */
+ CMP_E = 0x92, /* CMP E Indirect. */
+ LEA_AIX = 0x93, /* LEA Absolute Indexed Indirect. */
+ ECO_E = 0x94, /* ECO E Indirect. */
+ ADS_AB = 0x96, /* ADS Absolute. */
+ LEA_IX = 0x97, /* LEA Indexed Indirect. */
+ RLM_AB = 0x98, /* RLM Absolute. */
+ ADS_E = 0x9A, /* ADS E Indirect. */
+ INE_IMP = 0x9B, /* INcrement Effective address register. */
+ RLM_E = 0x9C, /* RLM E Indirect. */
+ SEQ_E = 0x9E, /* Store accumulator, if EQual. */
+ INC_E = 0xA2, /* INC E Indirect. */
+ PEA_AIY = 0xA3, /* PEA Absolute Indirect Indexed. */
+ STS_Z = 0xA4, /* STore Stack pointer. */
+ SBS_IMM = 0xA6, /* SuBtract Stack pointer. */
+ PEA_IY = 0xA7, /* PEA Indirect Indexed. */
+ SBS_Z = 0xAA, /* SBS Zero Matrix. */
+ DES_IMP = 0xAB, /* DEcrement Stack pointer. */
+ RRM_Z = 0xAC, /* Rotate Right, on Memory. */
+ LNE_IMM = 0xAD, /* Load accumulator, if Not Equal. */
+ LNE_E = 0xAE, /* LNE E Indirect. */
+ STS_AB = 0xB0, /* STS Absolute. */
+ LSL_E = 0xB1, /* LSL E Indirect. */
+ LDY_E = 0xB2, /* LDY E Indirect. */
+ PEA_AIX = 0xB3, /* PEA Absolute Indexed Indirect. */
+ STS_E = 0xB4, /* STS E Indirect. */
+ SBS_AB = 0xB6, /* SBS Absolute. */
+ PEA_IX = 0xB7, /* PEA Indexed Indirect. */
+ RRM_AB = 0xB8, /* RRM Absolute. */
+ SBS_E = 0xBA, /* SBS E Indirect. */
+ INS_IMP = 0xBB, /* INcrement Stack pointer. */
+ RRM_E = 0xBC, /* RRM E Indirect. */
+ REP_REL = 0xBD, /* REPeat until counter is zero. */
+ SNE_E = 0xBE, /* Store accumulator, if Not Equal. */
+ STY_E = 0xC2, /* STY E Indirect. */
+ STE_Z = 0xC4, /* STore Effective address register. */
+ NOT_A = 0xC6, /* bitwise NOT with accumulator. */
+ NOT_Z = 0xCA, /* NOT Zero Matrix. */
+ MMV_IMP = 0xCB, /* Memory MoVe. */
+ ARM_Z = 0xCC, /* Arithmetic shift Right, on Memory. */
+ REQ_REL = 0xCD, /* Repeat until either counter is zero, or zero flag isn't set. */
+ STE_AB = 0xD0, /* STE Absolute. */
+ LSR_E = 0xD1, /* LSR E Indirect. */
+ LDA_E = 0xD2, /* LDA E Indirect. */
+ NOT_AB = 0xD6, /* NOT Absolute. */
+ ARM_AB = 0xD8, /* ARM Absolute. */
+ NOT_E = 0xDA, /* NOT E Indirect. */
+ ARM_E = 0xDC, /* ARM E Indirect. */
+ RNE_REL = 0xDD, /* Repeat until either counter is zero, or zero flag is set. */
+ STA_E = 0xE2, /* STA E Indirect. */
+ STZ_Z = 0xE4, /* STore Zero. */
+ SWP_A = 0xE6, /* SWaP lower half, with upper half. */
+ SWP_Z = 0xEA, /* SWP Zero Matrix. */
+ PCN_Z = 0xEC, /* Population CouNt. */
+ STZ_AB = 0xF0, /* STZ Absolute. */
+ ROL_E = 0xF1, /* ROL E Indirect. */
+ LDB_E = 0xF2, /* LDB E Indirect. */
+ STZ_E = 0xF4, /* STZ E Indirect. */
+ SWP_AB = 0xF6, /* SWP Absolute. */
+ PCN_AB = 0xF8, /* PCN Absolute. */
+ SWP_E = 0xFA, /* SWP E Indirect. */
+ PCN_E = 0xFC /* PCN E Indirect. */