path: root/programs/sub-suite/utils.s
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Diffstat (limited to 'programs/sub-suite/utils.s')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/programs/sub-suite/utils.s b/programs/sub-suite/utils.s
index 7e7469c..21539eb 100644
--- a/programs/sub-suite/utils.s
+++ b/programs/sub-suite/utils.s
@@ -318,3 +318,33 @@ get_ctrlidx:
lda #2 ; Return 2.
rts ; End of get_ctrlidx.
+ pha.q ; Set the end of RAM pointer to the argument.
+ and #0 ; Reset A.
+ tab ; Reset B.
+ lda #MAGIC ; Set A to a magic number.
+ ldx (sp+1) ; Preserve the value.
+ sta (sp+1) ; Write the magic number to the current end of RAM.
+ cmp (sp+1) ; Is the value in RAM, the same as the magic number we wrote?
+ bne @moveback ; No, so move back until we find the last writable memory location.
+ stx (sp+1) ; Yes, so restore the previous value.
+ pha.q ; Preserve the magic number.
+ lda.q sp+9 ; Get the end of RAM pointer.
+ clc ; Prepare for a non carrying add.
+ adc.w #$4000 ; Increment the end of RAM pointer by 16K.
+ sta.q sp+9 ; Save the new end of RAM pointer.
+ pla.q ; Restore the magic number.
+ bra @loop ; Keep looping.
+ dec.q sp+1 ; Decrement the end of RAM pointer.
+ ldx (sp+1) ; Preserve the value.
+ sta (sp+1) ; Write the magic number to the current end of RAM.
+ cmp (sp+1) ; Is the value in RAM, the same as the magic number we wrote?
+ bne @moveback ; No, so keep looping.
+ stx (sp+1) ; Yes, so restore the previous value.
+ pla.q ; Restore the argument.
+ rts ; End of findramend.