path: root/src/Dolphin/ar
diff options
authormrb0nk500 <>2023-02-01 18:45:02 -0400
committermrb0nk500 <>2023-02-01 18:50:25 -0400
commit9fa0a7f1da1b70bee995f53c6c96c43189018772 (patch)
tree114548896790eaff23cdca84a025281de86bbb51 /src/Dolphin/ar
parent2ba3289286bbfcf9fcc13fd135d976058d8b6c2e (diff)
global: Import Dolphin SDK
This version comes from the Metroid Prime decompilation project.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Dolphin/ar')
2 files changed, 688 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Dolphin/ar/ar.c b/src/Dolphin/ar/ar.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d59b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Dolphin/ar/ar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+#include "dolphin/ar.h"
+#include "dolphin/dsp_regs.h"
+#include "dolphin/os.h"
+static const char* __ARVersion =
+ "<< Dolphin SDK - AR\trelease build: Sep 5 2002 05:34:27 (0x2301) >>";
+static ARCallback __AR_Callback;
+static u32 __AR_Size;
+static u32 __AR_InternalSize;
+static u32 __AR_ExpansionSize;
+static u32 __AR_StackPointer;
+static u32 __AR_FreeBlocks;
+static u32* __AR_BlockLength;
+static volatile BOOL __AR_init_flag = FALSE;
+static void __ARHandler(__OSInterrupt interrupt, OSContext* context);
+static void __ARChecksize(void);
+static void __ARClearArea(u32 start_addr, u32 length);
+#ifdef FULL_FRANK
+ARCallback ARRegisterDMACallback(ARCallback callback) {
+ ARCallback oldCb;
+ BOOL enabled;
+ oldCb = __AR_Callback;
+ enabled = OSDisableInterrupts();
+ __AR_Callback = callback;
+ OSRestoreInterrupts(enabled);
+ return oldCb;
+/* clang-format off */
+#pragma push
+#pragma optimization_level
+#pragma optimizewithasm off
+asm ARCallback ARRegisterDMACallback(ARCallback callback) {
+ nofralloc
+ mflr r0
+ stw r0, 4(r1)
+ stwu r1, -0x18(r1)
+ stw r31, 0x14(r1)
+ stw r30, 0x10(r1)
+ mr r30, r3
+ lwz r31, __AR_Callback
+ bl OSDisableInterrupts
+ stw r30, __AR_Callback
+ bl OSRestoreInterrupts
+ mr r3, r31
+ lwz r0, 0x1c(r1)
+ lwz r31, 0x14(r1)
+ lwz r30, 0x10(r1)
+ addi r1, r1, 0x18
+ mtlr r0
+ blr
+#pragma pop
+/* clang-format on */
+#ifdef FULL_FRANK
+u32 ARGetDMAStatus() {
+ BOOL enabled;
+ u32 val;
+ enabled = OSDisableInterrupts();
+ val = __DSPRegs[5] & 0x0200;
+ OSRestoreInterrupts(enabled);
+ return val;
+/* clang-format off */
+#pragma push
+#pragma optimization_level
+#pragma optimizewithasm off
+asm u32 ARGetDMAStatus() {
+ nofralloc
+ mflr r0
+ stw r0, 4(r1)
+ stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
+ stw r31, 0xc(r1)
+ bl OSDisableInterrupts
+ lis r4, __DSPRegs + (5 * 2)@ha
+ lhz r0, __DSPRegs + (5 * 2)@l(r4)
+ rlwinm r31, r0, 0, 0x16, 0x16
+ bl OSRestoreInterrupts
+ mr r3, r31
+ lwz r0, 0x14(r1)
+ lwz r31, 0xc(r1)
+ addi r1, r1, 0x10
+ mtlr r0
+ blr
+#pragma pop
+/* clang-format on */
+void ARStartDMA(u32 type, u32 mainmem_addr, u32 aram_addr, u32 length) {
+ BOOL enabled;
+ enabled = OSDisableInterrupts();
+ __DSPRegs[16] = (u16)(__DSPRegs[16] & ~0x3ff) | (u16)(mainmem_addr >> 16);
+ __DSPRegs[17] = (u16)(__DSPRegs[17] & ~0xffe0) | (u16)(mainmem_addr & 0xffff);
+ __DSPRegs[18] = (u16)(__DSPRegs[18] & ~0x3ff) | (u16)(aram_addr >> 16);
+ __DSPRegs[19] = (u16)(__DSPRegs[19] & ~0xffe0) | (u16)(aram_addr & 0xffff);
+ __DSPRegs[20] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[20] & ~0x8000) | (type << 15));
+ __DSPRegs[20] = (u16)(__DSPRegs[20] & ~0x3ff) | (u16)(length >> 16);
+ __DSPRegs[21] = (u16)(__DSPRegs[21] & ~0xffe0) | (u16)(length & 0xffff);
+ OSRestoreInterrupts(enabled);
+#ifdef FULL_FRANK
+u32 ARAlloc(u32 length) {
+ u32 tmp;
+ BOOL enabled;
+ enabled = OSDisableInterrupts();
+ tmp = __AR_StackPointer;
+ __AR_StackPointer += length;
+ *__AR_BlockLength = length;
+ __AR_BlockLength++;
+ __AR_FreeBlocks--;
+ OSRestoreInterrupts(enabled);
+ return tmp;
+/* clang-format off */
+#pragma push
+#pragma optimization_level
+#pragma optimizewithasm off
+asm u32 ARAlloc(u32 length) {
+ nofralloc
+ mflr r0
+ stw r0, 4(r1)
+ stwu r1, -0x18(r1)
+ stw r31, 0x14(r1)
+ stw r30, 0x10(r1)
+ mr r30, r3
+ bl OSDisableInterrupts
+ lwz r31, __AR_StackPointer
+ lwz r4, __AR_BlockLength
+ add r0, r31, r30
+ stw r0, __AR_StackPointer
+ stw r30, 0(r4)
+ lwz r5, __AR_BlockLength
+ lwz r4, __AR_FreeBlocks
+ addi r5, r5, 4
+ addi r0, r4, -1
+ stw r5, __AR_BlockLength
+ stw r0, __AR_FreeBlocks
+ bl OSRestoreInterrupts
+ mr r3, r31
+ lwz r0, 0x1c(r1)
+ lwz r31, 0x14(r1)
+ lwz r30, 0x10(r1)
+ addi r1, r1, 0x18
+ mtlr r0
+ blr
+#pragma pop
+/* clang-format on */
+u32 ARFree(u32* length) {
+ BOOL old;
+ old = OSDisableInterrupts();
+ __AR_BlockLength--;
+ if (length) {
+ *length = *__AR_BlockLength;
+ }
+ __AR_StackPointer -= *__AR_BlockLength;
+ __AR_FreeBlocks++;
+ OSRestoreInterrupts(old);
+ return __AR_StackPointer;
+/* clang-format off */
+#pragma push
+#pragma optimization_level 0
+#pragma optimizewithasm off
+asm u32 ARFree(u32* length) {
+ nofralloc
+ mflr r0
+ stw r0, 4(r1)
+ stwu r1, -0x18(r1)
+ stw r31, 0x14(r1)
+ mr r31, r3
+ bl OSDisableInterrupts
+ lwz r4, __AR_BlockLength
+ cmplwi r31, 0
+ addi r0, r4, -4
+ stw r0, __AR_BlockLength
+ beq lbl_8036DAB4
+ lwz r4, __AR_BlockLength
+ lwz r0, 0(r4)
+ stw r0, 0(r31)
+ lwz r5, __AR_BlockLength
+ lwz r4, __AR_FreeBlocks
+ lwz r6, 0(r5)
+ addi r0, r4, 1
+ lwz r5, __AR_StackPointer
+ stw r0, __AR_FreeBlocks
+ subf r0, r6, r5
+ stw r0, __AR_StackPointer
+ bl OSRestoreInterrupts
+ lwz r3, __AR_StackPointer
+ lwz r0, 0x1c(r1)
+ lwz r31, 0x14(r1)
+ addi r1, r1, 0x18
+ mtlr r0
+ blr
+#pragma pop
+/* clang-format on */
+BOOL ARCheckInit() { return __AR_init_flag; }
+u32 ARInit(u32* stack_index_addr, u32 num_entries) {
+ BOOL old;
+ u16 refresh;
+ if (__AR_init_flag == TRUE) {
+ return 0x4000;
+ }
+ OSRegisterVersion(__ARVersion);
+ old = OSDisableInterrupts();
+ __AR_Callback = NULL;
+ __OSSetInterruptHandler(__OS_INTERRUPT_DSP_ARAM, __ARHandler);
+ __AR_StackPointer = 0x4000;
+ __AR_FreeBlocks = num_entries;
+ __AR_BlockLength = stack_index_addr;
+ refresh = (u16)(__DSPRegs[13] & 0x000000ff);
+ __DSPRegs[13] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[13] & ~0x000000ff) | (refresh & 0x000000ff));
+ __ARChecksize();
+ __AR_init_flag = TRUE;
+ OSRestoreInterrupts(old);
+ return __AR_StackPointer;
+u32 ARGetBaseAddress(void) { return 0x4000; }
+u32 ARGetSize() { return __AR_Size; }
+static void __ARHandler(__OSInterrupt interrupt, OSContext* context) {
+ OSContext exceptionContext;
+ u16 tmp;
+ tmp = __DSPRegs[5];
+ tmp = (u16)((tmp & ~0x00000088) | 0x20);
+ __DSPRegs[5] = tmp;
+ OSClearContext(&exceptionContext);
+ OSSetCurrentContext(&exceptionContext);
+ if (__AR_Callback) {
+ (*__AR_Callback)();
+ }
+ OSClearContext(&exceptionContext);
+ OSSetCurrentContext(context);
+#define RoundUP32(x) (((u32)(x) + 32 - 1) & ~(32 - 1))
+void __ARClearInterrupt(void) {
+ u16 tmp;
+ tmp = __DSPRegs[5];
+ tmp = (u16)((tmp & ~(0x00000080 | 0x00000008)) | 0x00000020);
+ __DSPRegs[5] = tmp;
+u16 __ARGetInterruptStatus(void) { return ((u16)(__DSPRegs[5] & 0x0200)); }
+static void __ARWaitForDMA(void) {
+ while (__DSPRegs[5] & 0x0200) {
+ }
+static void __ARWriteDMA(u32 mmem_addr, u32 aram_addr, u32 length) {
+ __DSPRegs[16] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[16] & ~0x03ff) | (u16)(mmem_addr >> 16));
+ __DSPRegs[16 + 1] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[16 + 1] & ~0xffe0) | (u16)(mmem_addr & 0xffff));
+ __DSPRegs[18] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[18] & ~0x03ff) | (u16)(aram_addr >> 16));
+ __DSPRegs[18 + 1] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[18 + 1] & ~0xffe0) | (u16)(aram_addr & 0xffff));
+ __DSPRegs[20] = (u16)(__DSPRegs[20] & ~0x8000);
+ __DSPRegs[20] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[20] & ~0x03ff) | (u16)(length >> 16));
+ __DSPRegs[20 + 1] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[20 + 1] & ~0xffe0) | (u16)(length & 0xffff));
+ __ARWaitForDMA();
+ __ARClearInterrupt();
+static void __ARReadDMA(u32 mmem_addr, u32 aram_addr, u32 length) {
+ __DSPRegs[16] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[16] & ~0x03ff) | (u16)(mmem_addr >> 16));
+ __DSPRegs[16 + 1] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[16 + 1] & ~0xffe0) | (u16)(mmem_addr & 0xffff));
+ __DSPRegs[18] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[18] & ~0x03ff) | (u16)(aram_addr >> 16));
+ __DSPRegs[18 + 1] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[18 + 1] & ~0xffe0) | (u16)(aram_addr & 0xffff));
+ __DSPRegs[20] = (u16)(__DSPRegs[20] | 0x8000);
+ __DSPRegs[20] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[20] & ~0x03ff) | (u16)(length >> 16));
+ __DSPRegs[20 + 1] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[20 + 1] & ~0xffe0) | (u16)(length & 0xffff));
+ __ARWaitForDMA();
+ __ARClearInterrupt();
+static void __ARChecksize(void) {
+ u8 test_data_pad[0x20 + 31];
+ u8 dummy_data_pad[0x20 + 31];
+ u8 buffer_pad[0x20 + 31];
+ u8 save_pad_1[0x20 + 31];
+ u8 save_pad_2[0x20 + 31];
+ u8 save_pad_3[0x20 + 31];
+ u8 save_pad_4[0x20 + 31];
+ u8 save_pad_5[0x20 + 31];
+ u32* test_data;
+ u32* dummy_data;
+ u32* buffer;
+ u32* save1;
+ u32* save2;
+ u32* save3;
+ u32* save4;
+ u32* save5;
+ u16 ARAM_mode = 0;
+ u32 ARAM_size = 0;
+ u32 i;
+ while (!(__DSPRegs[11] & 1))
+ ;
+ ARAM_mode = 3;
+ ARAM_size = __AR_InternalSize = 0x1000000;
+ __DSPRegs[9] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[9] & ~(0x00000007 | 0x00000038)) | 0x20 | 2 | 1);
+ test_data = (u32*)(RoundUP32((u32)(test_data_pad)));
+ dummy_data = (u32*)(RoundUP32((u32)(dummy_data_pad)));
+ buffer = (u32*)(RoundUP32((u32)(buffer_pad)));
+ save1 = (u32*)(RoundUP32((u32)(save_pad_1)));
+ save2 = (u32*)(RoundUP32((u32)(save_pad_2)));
+ save3 = (u32*)(RoundUP32((u32)(save_pad_3)));
+ save4 = (u32*)(RoundUP32((u32)(save_pad_4)));
+ save5 = (u32*)(RoundUP32((u32)(save_pad_5)));
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ *(test_data + i) = 0xdeadbeef;
+ *(dummy_data + i) = 0xbad0bad0;
+ }
+ DCFlushRange((void*)test_data, 0x20);
+ DCFlushRange((void*)dummy_data, 0x20);
+ __AR_ExpansionSize = 0;
+ DCInvalidateRange((void*)save1, 0x20);
+ __ARReadDMA((u32)save1, ARAM_size + 0, 0x20);
+ PPCSync();
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)test_data, ARAM_size + 0x0000000, 0x20);
+ memset((void*)buffer, 0, 0x20);
+ DCFlushRange((void*)buffer, 0x20);
+ __ARReadDMA((u32)buffer, ARAM_size + 0x0000000, 0x20);
+ PPCSync();
+ if (buffer[0] == test_data[0]) {
+ DCInvalidateRange((void*)save2, 0x20);
+ __ARReadDMA((u32)save2, ARAM_size + 0x0200000, 0x20);
+ PPCSync();
+ DCInvalidateRange((void*)save3, 0x20);
+ __ARReadDMA((u32)save3, ARAM_size + 0x1000000, 0x20);
+ PPCSync();
+ DCInvalidateRange((void*)save4, 0x20);
+ __ARReadDMA((u32)save4, ARAM_size + 0x0000200, 0x20);
+ PPCSync();
+ DCInvalidateRange((void*)save5, 0x20);
+ __ARReadDMA((u32)save5, ARAM_size + 0x0400000, 0x20);
+ PPCSync();
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)dummy_data, ARAM_size + 0x0200000, 0x20);
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)test_data, ARAM_size + 0x0000000, 0x20);
+ memset((void*)buffer, 0, 0x20);
+ DCFlushRange((void*)buffer, 0x20);
+ __ARReadDMA((u32)buffer, ARAM_size + 0x0200000, 0x20);
+ PPCSync();
+ if (buffer[0] == test_data[0]) {
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)save1, ARAM_size + 0x0000000, 0x20);
+ ARAM_mode |= 0 << 1;
+ ARAM_size += 0x0200000;
+ __AR_ExpansionSize = 0x0200000;
+ } else {
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)dummy_data, ARAM_size + 0x1000000, 0x20);
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)test_data, ARAM_size + 0x0000000, 0x20);
+ memset((void*)buffer, 0, 0x20);
+ DCFlushRange((void*)buffer, 0x20);
+ __ARReadDMA((u32)buffer, ARAM_size + 0x1000000, 0x20);
+ PPCSync();
+ if (buffer[0] == test_data[0]) {
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)save1, ARAM_size + 0x0000000, 0x20);
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)save2, ARAM_size + 0x0200000, 0x20);
+ ARAM_mode |= 4 << 1;
+ ARAM_size += 0x0400000;
+ __AR_ExpansionSize = 0x0400000;
+ } else {
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)dummy_data, ARAM_size + 0x0000200, 0x20);
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)test_data, ARAM_size + 0x0000000, 0x20);
+ memset((void*)buffer, 0, 0x20);
+ DCFlushRange((void*)buffer, 0x20);
+ __ARReadDMA((u32)buffer, ARAM_size + 0x0000200, 0x20);
+ PPCSync();
+ if (buffer[0] == test_data[0]) {
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)save1, ARAM_size + 0x0000000, 0x20);
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)save2, ARAM_size + 0x0200000, 0x20);
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)save3, ARAM_size + 0x1000000, 0x20);
+ ARAM_mode |= 8 << 1;
+ ARAM_size += 0x0800000;
+ __AR_ExpansionSize = 0x0800000;
+ } else {
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)dummy_data, ARAM_size + 0x0400000, 0x20);
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)test_data, ARAM_size + 0x0000000, 0x20);
+ memset((void*)buffer, 0, 0x20);
+ DCFlushRange((void*)buffer, 0x20);
+ __ARReadDMA((u32)buffer, ARAM_size + 0x0400000, 0x20);
+ PPCSync();
+ if (buffer[0] == test_data[0]) {
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)save1, ARAM_size + 0x0000000, 0x20);
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)save2, ARAM_size + 0x0200000, 0x20);
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)save3, ARAM_size + 0x1000000, 0x20);
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)save4, ARAM_size + 0x0000200, 0x20);
+ ARAM_mode |= 12 << 1;
+ ARAM_size += 0x1000000;
+ __AR_ExpansionSize = 0x1000000;
+ } else {
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)save1, ARAM_size + 0x0000000, 0x20);
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)save2, ARAM_size + 0x0200000, 0x20);
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)save3, ARAM_size + 0x1000000, 0x20);
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)save4, ARAM_size + 0x0000200, 0x20);
+ __ARWriteDMA((u32)save5, ARAM_size + 0x0400000, 0x20);
+ ARAM_mode |= 16 << 1;
+ ARAM_size += 0x2000000;
+ __AR_ExpansionSize = 0x2000000;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __DSPRegs[9] = (u16)((__DSPRegs[9] & ~(0x07 | 0x38)) | ARAM_mode);
+ }
+ *(u32*)OSPhysicalToUncached(0x00D0) = ARAM_size;
+ __AR_Size = ARAM_size;
diff --git a/src/Dolphin/ar/arq.c b/src/Dolphin/ar/arq.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d157463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Dolphin/ar/arq.c
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#include "dolphin/arq.h"
+#include "dolphin/os.h"
+const char* __ARQVersion = "<< Dolphin SDK - ARQ\trelease build: Sep 5 2002 05:34:29 (0x2301) >>";
+static ARQRequest* __ARQRequestQueueHi;
+static ARQRequest* __ARQRequestTailHi;
+static ARQRequest* __ARQRequestQueueLo;
+static ARQRequest* __ARQRequestTailLo;
+static ARQRequest* __ARQRequestPendingHi;
+static ARQRequest* __ARQRequestPendingLo;
+static ARQCallback __ARQCallbackHi;
+static ARQCallback __ARQCallbackLo;
+static u32 __ARQChunkSize;
+static volatile BOOL __ARQ_init_flag = FALSE;
+void __ARQPopTaskQueueHi(void);
+void __ARQServiceQueueLo(void);
+void __ARQCallbackHack(void);
+void __ARQInterruptServiceRoutine(void);
+void __ARQInitTempQueue(void);
+void __ARQPushTempQueue(ARQRequest* task);
+void __ARQPopTaskQueueHi(void) {
+ if (__ARQRequestQueueHi) {
+ if (__ARQRequestQueueHi->type == ARQ_TYPE_MRAM_TO_ARAM) {
+ ARStartDMA(__ARQRequestQueueHi->type, __ARQRequestQueueHi->source, __ARQRequestQueueHi->dest,
+ __ARQRequestQueueHi->length);
+ } else {
+ ARStartDMA(__ARQRequestQueueHi->type, __ARQRequestQueueHi->dest, __ARQRequestQueueHi->source,
+ __ARQRequestQueueHi->length);
+ }
+ __ARQCallbackHi = __ARQRequestQueueHi->callback;
+ __ARQRequestPendingHi = __ARQRequestQueueHi;
+ __ARQRequestQueueHi = __ARQRequestQueueHi->next;
+ }
+void __ARQServiceQueueLo(void) {
+ if ((__ARQRequestPendingLo == NULL) && (__ARQRequestQueueLo)) {
+ __ARQRequestPendingLo = __ARQRequestQueueLo;
+ __ARQRequestQueueLo = __ARQRequestQueueLo->next;
+ }
+ if (__ARQRequestPendingLo) {
+ if (__ARQRequestPendingLo->length <= __ARQChunkSize) {
+ if (__ARQRequestPendingLo->type == ARQ_TYPE_MRAM_TO_ARAM)
+ ARStartDMA(__ARQRequestPendingLo->type, __ARQRequestPendingLo->source,
+ __ARQRequestPendingLo->dest, __ARQRequestPendingLo->length);
+ else
+ ARStartDMA(__ARQRequestPendingLo->type, __ARQRequestPendingLo->dest,
+ __ARQRequestPendingLo->source, __ARQRequestPendingLo->length);
+ __ARQCallbackLo = __ARQRequestPendingLo->callback;
+ } else {
+ if (__ARQRequestPendingLo->type == ARQ_TYPE_MRAM_TO_ARAM)
+ ARStartDMA(__ARQRequestPendingLo->type, __ARQRequestPendingLo->source,
+ __ARQRequestPendingLo->dest, __ARQChunkSize);
+ else
+ ARStartDMA(__ARQRequestPendingLo->type, __ARQRequestPendingLo->dest,
+ __ARQRequestPendingLo->source, __ARQChunkSize);
+ }
+ __ARQRequestPendingLo->length -= __ARQChunkSize;
+ __ARQRequestPendingLo->source += __ARQChunkSize;
+ __ARQRequestPendingLo->dest += __ARQChunkSize;
+ }
+void __ARQCallbackHack(void) { return; }
+void __ARQInterruptServiceRoutine(void) {
+ if (__ARQCallbackHi) {
+ (*__ARQCallbackHi)((u32)__ARQRequestPendingHi);
+ __ARQRequestPendingHi = NULL;
+ __ARQCallbackHi = NULL;
+ }
+ else if (__ARQCallbackLo) {
+ (*__ARQCallbackLo)((u32)__ARQRequestPendingLo);
+ __ARQRequestPendingLo = NULL;
+ __ARQCallbackLo = NULL;
+ }
+ __ARQPopTaskQueueHi();
+ if (__ARQRequestPendingHi == NULL)
+ __ARQServiceQueueLo();
+void ARQInit(void) {
+ if (TRUE == __ARQ_init_flag) {
+ return;
+ }
+ OSRegisterVersion(__ARQVersion);
+ __ARQRequestQueueHi = __ARQRequestQueueLo = NULL;
+ ARRegisterDMACallback(&__ARQInterruptServiceRoutine);
+ __ARQRequestPendingHi = NULL;
+ __ARQRequestPendingLo = NULL;
+ __ARQCallbackHi = NULL;
+ __ARQCallbackLo = NULL;
+ __ARQ_init_flag = TRUE;
+void ARQPostRequest(ARQRequest* request, u32 owner, u32 type, u32 priority, u32 source, u32 dest,
+ u32 length, ARQCallback callback) {
+ BOOL enabled;
+ request->next = NULL;
+ request->owner = owner;
+ request->type = type;
+ request->source = source;
+ request->dest = dest;
+ request->length = length;
+ if (callback) {
+ request->callback = callback;
+ } else {
+ request->callback = (ARQCallback)&__ARQCallbackHack;
+ }
+ enabled = OSDisableInterrupts();
+ switch (priority) {
+ if (__ARQRequestQueueLo) {
+ __ARQRequestTailLo->next = request;
+ } else {
+ __ARQRequestQueueLo = request;
+ }
+ __ARQRequestTailLo = request;
+ break;
+ if (__ARQRequestQueueHi) {
+ __ARQRequestTailHi->next = request;
+ } else {
+ __ARQRequestQueueHi = request;
+ }
+ __ARQRequestTailHi = request;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((__ARQRequestPendingHi == NULL) && (__ARQRequestPendingLo == NULL)) {
+ __ARQPopTaskQueueHi();
+ if (__ARQRequestPendingHi == NULL) {
+ __ARQServiceQueueLo();
+ }
+ }
+ OSRestoreInterrupts(enabled);
+u32 ARQGetChunkSize(void) { return __ARQChunkSize; }