path: root/rt_struct.c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-08-10rt_struct: Account for packed structs in `create_rts()`mrb0nk500
2022-08-09rt_struct: Create an offset table if none was supplied in `create_rts()`mrb0nk500
2022-08-09rt_struct: Account for member arrays in `create_rts()`mrb0nk500
Now, when the member is a fixed array, we multiply the type size by the size of each dimension.
2022-08-09rt_struct: Account for member pointers in `create_rts()`mrb0nk500
2022-08-09rt_struct: Create `rt_struct.{c,h}`, and add `create_rts()`mrb0nk500
This is a simple implementation of runtime structs, which was taken from lavignes' librts, and modified to make it alot easier to work with. Link to librts: